864 | GEN 30:33 | And my rightfulness [or rightwise-ness] shall answer to me tomorrow, when the time of covenant shall come before thee; and all that be not diverse, and spotted, and dunned, as well in sheep as in goats, be found at me thou shalt reprove me of theft. |
2253 | EXO 26:17 | Forsooth two indentings [or rabbet-ings] shall be in the sides of a board, by which one board shall be joined to another board; and in this manner all the boards shall be made ready. |
2300 | EXO 28:6 | forsooth they shall make the cloth on the shoulders [or cape] of gold, and of jacinth, and of purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again, by embroidery work [or needle-work] of diverse colours. |
5364 | DEU 16:20 | Thou shalt pursue justly [or right-wisely] that that is just [or right], that thou live, and wield the land which thy Lord God shall give to thee. |
8926 | 1KI 6:27 | And he set [the] cherubims [or cherubim] in the midst of the inner temple; and the cherubims [or cher-ubim] held forth their wings, and one wing touched the one wall, and the wing of the second cherub touched the tother wall; and the other wings in the middle part of the temple touched themselves together. |
11245 | 2CH 3:11 | The wings of cherubims [or cher-ubim] were holden forth by twenty cubits, so that one wing had five cubits, and it touched the wall of the house; and the tother wing had five cubits, and it touched the wing of the other cherub. |
11756 | 2CH 26:19 | And Uzziah was wroth, and he held in his hand the censer for to offer incense, and he menaced [or threat-ened] the priests; and anon leprosy was sprung forth in his forehead, before the priests in the house of the Lord, upon the altar of incense. |
13726 | JOB 35:2 | Whether thy thought seemeth even, either rightful, to thee, that thou should-est say, I am right-fuller [or more right-wise] than God? |
13992 | PSA 5:13 | for thou shalt bless the just [or right-wise] man. Lord, thou hast crowned us, as with a shield of thy good will. |
14075 | PSA 11:5 | The Lord asketh a just [or right-wise] man, and an unfaithful man; but he, that loveth wickedness, hateth his soul. |
14130 | PSA 17:15 | But I in rightfulness [or rightwise-ness] shall appear to thy sight; I shall be [ful] filled, when thy glory shall appear. |
14503 | PSA 37:32 | A sinner beholdeth a just [or right-wise] man; and seeketh to slay him. |
14558 | PSA 40:10 | I told thy rightfulness [or rightwise-ness] in a great church; lo! I shall not refrain my lips, Lord, thou knewest. |
14559 | PSA 40:11 | I hid not thy rightfulness [or right-wiseness] in mine heart; I said thy truth and thine health. I hid not thy mercy, and thy truth, from a much council. |
14973 | PSA 68:21 | Our God is God to make men safe; and outgoing [or the going-out] from death is of the Lord God. |
14977 | PSA 68:25 | God, they saw thy goings in; the goings-in [or in-goings] of my God, of my king, which is in the holy place. |
15093 | PSA 73:18 | Nevertheless for guiles [or treach-eries] thou hast put to them; thou castedest them down, while they were raised. |
15569 | PSA 99:4 | and the honour of the king loveth doom. Thou hast made ready dress-ings [or rightforth rulings]; thou hast made doom and rightfulness [or right-wiseness] in Jacob. |
20782 | EZK 13:5 | Ye ascended not [or went not up] even against, neither again-setted [or again-putted] a wall for the house of Israel, that ye should stand in battle in the day of the Lord. |
20940 | EZK 18:22 | I shall not have mind of all his wickednesses which he wrought; he shall live in his rightfulness [or right-wiseness] which he wrought. |
20960 | EZK 19:10 | Thy mother as a vinery [or vine-yard] in thy blood was planted on water; the fruits thereof and the boughs thereof increased by reason of many waters. |
24702 | MRK 10:45 | For why man’s Son came not, that it should be ministered to him, but that he should minister, and give his life again-buying [or as a redemp-tion] for many. |
24889 | MRK 14:66 | And when Peter was in the hall beneath, one of the damsels [or hand-maidens] of the highest priest came. |
25573 | LUK 12:45 | That if that servant say in his heart, My lord tarrieth to come; and begin to smite children, and hand-maidens, and eat, and drink, and be filled [or full-filled] over-measure, |
25762 | LUK 18:5 | nevertheless for this widow is heavy [or dis-easeful] to me, I shall avenge her; lest at the last she coming condemn me [or she strangle me]. |
26416 | JHN 7:19 | Whether Moses gave not to you a law, and none of you doeth [or keep-eth] the law? What seek ye to slay me? |
26457 | JHN 8:7 | And when they abided [or con-tinued] asking him, he raised himself, and said to them, He of you that is without sin, first cast a stone into her. |
27039 | ACT 2:21 | And it shall be, each man which-ever shall call to help [or in-call] the name of the Lord, shall be safe. |
27247 | ACT 8:2 | But good [or dread-full] men buried Stephen, and made great mourning on him. |
27249 | ACT 8:4 | And they that were scattered, passed forth, preaching [or evangel-izing] the word of God. |
28433 | 1CO 1:2 | to the church of God that is at Corinth, to them that be hallowed in Christ Jesus, and called saints, with all that inwardly call [or in-call] the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in each place of them and of ours, |
28466 | 1CO 2:4 | and my word and my preaching was not in subtly stirring [or persuad-able] words of man’s wisdom, but in showing of Spirit and of virtue; |
28626 | 1CO 9:18 | What then is my meed? That I preaching the gospel, put the gospel without others’ cost, [or expense, either taking of sustenance therefore], that I use [or mis-use] not my power in the gospel. |
29579 | COL 2:18 | No man deceive you, willing to teach in meekness, and [the] religion of angels, those things which he hath not seen, walking vainly, swollen [or in-blown] with wit of his flesh, |
29616 | COL 4:7 | Tychicus, most dear brother, and faithful minister, and my fellow [or my even-servant] in the Lord, shall make all things known to you, that be about me. |
29882 | 2TI 1:6 | For which cause I admonish thee, that thou raise again the grace of God, that is in thee by the setting on [or the on-putting] of mine hands. |
29912 | 2TI 2:18 | which felled down from the truth, saying that the rising-again is now done, and they subverted [or turned upside-down] the faith of some men. |
29916 | 2TI 2:22 | And flee thou [the] desires of youth, but follow thou rightwiseness, faith, charity, peace, with them that inwardly call [or that in-call] the Lord of a clean heart. |
30606 | 2PE 3:17 | Therefore ye, brethren, before-witting keep yourselves, lest ye be deceived [or over-led] by error of unwise men, and fall away from your own firmness. |
31216 | TOB 3:10 | whether also thou wilt slay me, as also thou hast slain seven men? At this word Sarah went into the higher closet [or the over bed-place] of her house, and three days and three nights she ate not, neither drank; |
31469 | JDT 3:7 | Then Holofernes came down from the hills, with knights [or horse-men] in great strength, and he got each city, and each man inhabiting the land or each man that dwelled in that land. |
32096 | WIS 4:12 | For why deceiving of trifling maketh dark good things, and the unstableness of covetousness turneth over [or over-turneth] the wit without malice. |
32354 | WIS 15:9 | But he hath care, not for he shall travail, neither for his life is short, but he striveth with goldsmiths and silversmiths; but also he pursueth [or followeth] workers of brass, and setteth before glory; for he maketh superfluous [or over-void] things. |
32474 | SIR 1:14 | The beginning of wisdom is the dread of the Lord; and it is formed together in the womb with faithful men, and it goeth with chosen women, and it is known with just [or right-wise] men and faithful. |
32487 | SIR 1:27 | For why the dread of the Lord is wisdom, and knowing [or discipline], and that that is well pleasant [or well-pleased] to him is faith and mildness; and God shall fill the treasures of him [or it shall full-fill the treasures of him]. |
32490 | SIR 1:30 | Take thou keep to those [things], lest thou fall, and bring dishonor to thy soul; and lest God show thy privates, and hurtle thee down in the midst of the synagogue, that is, of gathering together of faithful men; for thou nighedest wickedly [or malicious-ly] to the Lord, and thine heart was full of guile and of falseness [or treachery and deceit]. |
32502 | SIR 2:12 | Woe to the double in heart, and with cursed lips, and mis-doing [or evil-doing] hands; and to a sinner entering [or going] into the land by two ways. |
32511 | SIR 3:3 | He that loveth God, shall pray for sins, and he shall abstain [or with-hold] himself from those [or them], and he shall be heard in the prayer of days. |
32689 | SIR 9:12 | The wrong of unjust [or unright-wise] men please not thee, and know thou that a wicked man [or the unpious] shall not please till to hells [or hell]. |
32704 | SIR 10:9 | Nothing is curseder than an avarice man. What art thou proud, thou earth and ashes? Nothing is worse, than for to love money [or Nothing is more wicked, than to love money]; for why this man hath, yea, his soul set to sale, for in his life he hath cast away his innerest [or in-ward] things. |
32739 | SIR 11:13 | and enhanced his head; and many men wondered [or marvelled] in him, and honoured [or worship-ped] God. |
32756 | SIR 11:30 | For why as the entrails of stinking things break out, and as a partridge is led into a trap, either net, and as a capret is led into a snare, so and the heart of proud men; and as a beholder [or the for-looker] seeing the fall of his neighbour. |
32762 | SIR 12:2 | Do thou well to a just [or right-wise] man, and thou shalt find great yielding; though not [or if not] of him, certainly of the Lord. |
32818 | SIR 14:14 | Be thou not deceived [or be-guiled] of a good day, and a little part of a good day pass not thee. |
32970 | SIR 19:24 | Better is a man that hath little wisdom, and failing in wit, in the dread of God, than he that hath plenty of wit, and breaketh [or over-passeth] the law of the Highest. |
32973 | SIR 19:27 | And there is a just [or rightwise] man, that maketh low greatly [or under-putteth] himself of much meek-ness; and there is a just [or rightwise] man, that boweth the face, and feigneth him to see not [or not to see] that, that is unknown. |
33028 | SIR 21:21 | Teaching is a golden ornament to a prudent man; and as an ornament of the arm [or an arm-circle] in the right arm. |
33080 | SIR 23:18 | Each man that passeth [or over-goeth] his bed, doeth despite against his soul, and saith, Who seeth me? Darknesses encompass me, and walls cover me, and no man beholdeth me. Whom dread I? The Highest shall not have mind on my sins. |
33132 | SIR 25:9 | He is blessed [or Blissful] that findeth a very friend, and he that telleth out rightfulness [or rightwise-ness] to an ear hearing [or the hearing ear]. |
33184 | SIR 27:6 | As churl-like travail [or earth-working] about a tree showeth the fruit thereof, so a word of thought showeth the heart of man. |
33215 | SIR 28:7 | Have thou mind on [or Remem-ber] the dread of the Lord, and be not wroth to the neighbour. Have thou mind on [or Remember] the testament of the Highest, and despise thou the ignorance of thy neighbour. |
33253 | SIR 29:19 | A sinner breaking [or over-passing] the commandment of the Lord shall fall into a wicked promise; and he that endeavoureth to do many things, shall fall into doom. |
33407 | SIR 35:6 | The offering of a just [or right-wise] man maketh fat the altar, and is odour of sweetness in the sight of the Highest. |
33408 | SIR 35:7 | The sacrifice of a just [or right-wise] man is acceptable, and the Lord shall not forget the mind of him. |
33516 | SIR 38:33 | and they shall not skip over [or over-leap] into the church. They shall not sit on the seat of a judge; and they shall not understand the testament of doom, neither they shall make open teaching and doom; and they shall not be found in parables. |
33587 | SIR 41:5 | The sons of abominations be the sons of sinners; and they that dwell beside the houses of wicked [or un-pious] men. |
33610 | SIR 42:1 | Be thou not ashamed [or con-founded] for all these things; and take [or accept]or favour thou not a person, that thou do trespass. |
33642 | SIR 43:8 | The month is increasing [or wax-ing] by the name thereof, wonderfully into the ending. A vessel of castles [or tents] in high things, shining glorious-ly in the firmament of heaven. |
33728 | SIR 46:12 | and their bones appear [or bur-geon] from their place; and their name dwelleth without end, for the glory of holy men dwelleth at the sons of them. |
33763 | SIR 48:2 | Which brought in hunger on them, and they pursuing [or follow-ing] him were made few for envy; for they might not suffer the command-ments of the Lord. |
33795 | SIR 49:9 | For he made mind of [or remem-bered] enemies in rain, that is, in word of his prophecy, to do well to them, that showed rightful [or right] ways. |
33815 | SIR 50:13 | and all the sons of Aaron stood in their glory. Soothly the offering of the Lord was in the hands of them, before all the synagogue [or all the gather-ing] of Israel; |
34298 | 1MA 1:51 | By all these words he wrote to all his realm, and above-set [or before-set] princes to the people, which should constrain these things for to be done. And they commanded to cities of Judea for to make sacrifice. |
34670 | 1MA 7:37 | Thou, Lord, hast chosen this house, for to call to help [or to in-call] thy name in it, that it should be an house of prayer and beseeching to thy people; |
35114 | 1MA 15:8 | and all debt of the king, and those that be to coming of king’s things, from this time and into all-time [or from this into all-time] be forgiven to thee. |
35235 | 2MA 2:28 | forsooth we grant the truth of all authors, but we us-self [or we our-selves] study to shortness, by the form given. |
35576 | 2MA 12:6 | and he called to help [or in-called] the just doomsman God, and he came against the slayers of brethren, and by night he burnt the haven, he burnt the boats, forsooth he slew by sword them that fled from the fire. |
35585 | 2MA 12:15 | Soothly Maccabeus called to help [or in-called] the great Prince of the world, which without wethers, that be engines like wethers, and without engines, in the times of Jesus, either Joshua, casted down Jericho; and hurled fiercely to the walls, |
35592 | 2MA 12:22 | And when the first company of Judas appeared, dread was made [or in-smitten] to enemies by presence of God, that beholdeth all things; and they were turned into flight, one after another, so that they were cast down more of their own, and were feebled with strokes of their swords. |
35687 | 2MA 14:46 | and now was made without blood, and embraced his entrails with both hands, and casted forth on the companies, and called to help [or in-calling] the lordshipper of life and spirit, that he should yield again these things to him; and thus he was dead from life. |
36485 | 1ES 1:49 | And the dukes of the Lord’s people bare them wickedly many things, and they did unpiously over all the wickednesses [or the unclean-nesses] of Gentiles; and they defouled the temple of the Lord, that was holy in Jerusalem. |