14077 | PSA 11:7 | For the Lord is just [or rightwise], and loveth rightfulnesses [or rightwise-ness]; his cheer hath seen evenness, or equity. |
15055 | PSA 71:24 | But and my tongue shall think all day on thy rightfulness [or rightwise-ness]; when they shall be shamed and ashamed, that seek evils to me. |
23343 | MAT 5:40 | and to him that will strive with thee in doom, and take away thy coat, leave thou to him also thy mantle [or thine over-cloth]; |
27528 | ACT 15:17 | that other men seek the Lord, and all folks, on whom my name is called to help [or in-called]; the Lord doing this thing, saith. |
32348 | WIS 15:3 | For why to know thee, is perfect rightfulness [or full ended rightwise-ness]; and to know thy rightfulness [or rightwiseness], and virtue, is the root of undeadliness. |
33179 | SIR 27:1 | Many men have trespassed for neediness [or mis-ease]; and he that seeketh to be made rich, turneth away his eye. |
33355 | SIR 33:13 | As clay of a potter is in the hand of him, to make [or form] and dis-pose, that all the ways thereof be after the ordinance of him [or his dis-position]; so a man is in the hand of him that made him; and he shall yield to him by [or after] his doom. |
34197 | SUS 1:56 | And when he was moved away, he commanded the tother to come, and said to him, Thou seed of Canaan, and not of Judah, fairness hath deceived thee, and covetousness hath mis-turned thine heart [or turned thine heart upside-down]; |