Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engwyc2017   Word?]    February 11, 2023 at 18:33    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

7959  1SA 28:14  And Saul said to her, What manner form is of him? [or What manner is the form of him?] And she said, An eld [or old] man goeth up, and he is clothed with a mantle. And Saul understood that it was Samuel; and Saul bowed himself on his face to the earth, and worshipped.
10186  2KI 23:17  And the king said, What is this burial, that I see? [or Whose is this tomb that I see?] And the citizens of that city answered to him, It is the sepulchre of the man of God, that came from Judah, and before-said these words, which thou hast done upon the altar of Bethel.
23662  MAT 13:54  And he came into his country, and taught them in their synagogues, so that they wondered, and said, From whence this wisdom and virtues came to this? [or to him?]
23664  MAT 13:56  and his sisters, whether they all be not among us? From whence then all these things come or came to this? [or to him?]
23704  MAT 15:2  Why break thy disciples the traditions of elder men? [or Why thy disciples break the traditions, either the teachings, of elder men?] for they wash not their hands, when they eat bread.
23735  MAT 15:33  And the disciples say to him, Whereof then so many loaves among us in desert, to fulfill so great a people? [And the disciples say to him, Therefore whereof so many loaves to us in desert, that we fill so great a company of people?]
23883  MAT 20:22  Jesus answered, and said, Ye know not what ye ask. May ye drink of the cup that I shall drink of? [or that I am to drink?] They say to him, We may.
24163  MAT 26:40  And he came to his disciples, and found them sleeping. And he said to Peter, So, whether ye might not one hour wake with me? [or might ye not one hour wake with me?]
24432  MRK 4:40  And he said to them, What dread ye? Yet ye have no faith? [or Not yet have ye faith?]
24586  MRK 8:17  And when this thing was known, Jesus said to them, What think ye, for ye have not loaves? [or bread?] Yet ye know not, neither understand; yet ye have your heart blinded.
25101  LUK 3:7  Therefore he said to the people, which went out to be baptized of him, Kindlings of adders, who showed to you to flee from the wrath to coming? [or to come?]
25254  LUK 6:39  And he said to them a likeness, Whether the blind may lead the blind? nor fall they not both into the ditch? [or whether they fall not both into the ditch?]
25493  LUK 11:19  And if I in Beelzebub cast out fiends, in whom cast out your sons? [or in whom your sons cast out?] Therefore they shall be your doomsmen.
25542  LUK 12:14  And he said to him, Man, who ordained me a doomsman, or a parter, on you? [or over you?]
25585  LUK 12:57  But what and of yourselves ye deem not that that is just? [Forsooth why and of yourselves deem ye not this thing that is just?]
25692  LUK 16:3  And the bailiff said within himself, What shall I do, for my lord taketh away from me the bailiffship? delve may I not, I shame to beg. [Forsooth the farmer said within himself, What shall I do, for my lord taketh away from me the farm? I may not delve, I am ashamed to beg?]
25700  LUK 16:11  Therefore if ye were not true in the wicked thing of riches [or in the wicked riches], who shall betake to you that that is very? [or that is sooth?]
25822  LUK 19:22  He saith to him, Wicked servant, of thy mouth I deem thee. Knewest thou, that I am an austere man, taking away that thing that I setted not, and reaping that thing that I sowed not? [or I have not sown?]
25997  LUK 22:64  And they blindfolded him, and smote his face, and asked him, and said, Declare, thou Christ, to us, who is he that smote thee? [or Prophesy thou, who is it that smote thee?]
26044  LUK 23:40  But the other answering, blamed him, and said, Neither thou dreadest God, [thou] that art in the same condemnation? [or the same damnation?]
26065  LUK 24:5  And when they dreaded, and bowed their semblance into the earth, they said to them, What seek ye him that liveth with dead men? [or What seek ye the living with the dead?]
26134  JHN 1:21  And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elijah? And he said, I am not. Art thou a prophet? [or the prophet?] And he answered, Nay.
26543  JHN 9:34  They answered, and said to him, Thou art all born in sins, and teachest thou us? [or thou teachest us?] And they put him out.
26880  JHN 18:26  One of the bishop’s servants, cousin of him, whose ear Peter cut off, said, Saw I thee not in the yard with him? [+or Whether I saw thee not in the garden with him?]
26998  ACT 1:6  Therefore they that were come together, asked him, and said, Lord, whether in this time thou shalt restore the kingdom of Israel? [Therefore they that came together, asked him, saying, Lord, if in this time shalt thou restore the kingdom of Israel?]
27349  ACT 10:21  And Peter came down to the men, and said, Lo! I am, whom ye seek; what is the cause, for which ye be come? [or ye have come?]
28051  ROM 2:21  what then teachest thou another, and teachest not thyself? Thou that preachest that me/that men shall not steal, stealest? [or Thou that preachest to not steal, stealest?]
28052  ROM 2:22  Thou that teachest that me/that men shall not do lechery, doest lechery? [or Thou that sayest to not do lechery, doest lechery?] Thou that loathest maumets [or idols], doest sacrilege?
28242  ROM 9:19  Then sayest thou to me, What is sought yet? [or What thing is yet sought?] for who withstandeth his will?
28292  ROM 11:15  For if the loss of them is the reconciling of the world, what is the taking up [of them], but life of dead men? [or but life to dead?]
28451  1CO 1:20  Where is the wise man? where is the wise lawyer? [or where is the writer, or the man of law?] where is the purchaser of this world? Whether God hath not made the wisdom of this world fond? [or foolish?]
28690  1CO 11:22  Whether ye have not houses to eat and drink, or ye despise the church of God, and confound, [or shame], them that have none? [or that have not?] What shall I say to you? I praise you, but herein [or in this thing] I praise you not.
28885  2CO 1:17  But when I would this thing, whether I used unsteadfastness, either those things that I think, I think after the flesh, that at me be, it is and it is not? [or that there be at me, is and is not, or yea and nay?]
28982  2CO 6:16  and what consent to the temple of God with maumets? [or idols?] And ye be the temple of the living God, as the Lord saith, For I shall dwell in them, and I shall walk among them; and I shall be [the] God of them, and they shall be a people to me.
29174  GAL 3:5  He that giveth to you [the] Spirit, and worketh virtues in you, whether of [the] works of the law, or of hearing of belief? [or of faith?]
29188  GAL 3:19  What then the law? that is, Whereto is the law profitable? [or What therefore profiteth the law?] It was set for trespassing, till the seed came, to whom he had made the promise. Which law was ordained by angels, in the hand of a mediator.
29213  GAL 4:15  Where then is your blessing? [or Where is therefore your blessedness, that ye had before time?] For I bear you witness, that if it might have been done, ye would have put out your eyes, and have given them to me.
30186  HEB 9:14  how much more the blood of Christ, which by the Holy Ghost offered himself unwemmed to God, shall cleanse our conscience from dead works, to serve God that liveth? [or to serve to living God?]
30367  JAS 2:7  Whether they blaspheme not the good name, that is called to help on you? [or that is in-called of you?]
32784  SIR 13:6  If thou art needful [or necessary] to him, he shall deceive thee; and he shall flatter, and shall give hope, telling to thee all goods; and shall say, What is need to thee? [or What need is to thee?]
32809  SIR 14:5  To what other man shall he be good, which is wicked to himself? [or Who to himself is shrewd, to what other shall he be good?] and he shall not be merry in his goods.
32868  SIR 16:17  Say thou not, I shall be hid from God; and from the highest, that is, heaven, who shall have mind on me? Say thou not, I shall not be known in a great number of people; for why which is my soul in so great a number of creature? [or what forsooth is my soul in so great a creature without measure?]
33008  SIR 21:1  Son, thou hast done sin? [or Son, hast thou sinned?] add thou not again; but beseech thou for the former sins, that those [or they] be forgiven to thee.
33049  SIR 22:14  What shall be made heavier than lead? and what other name than a fool is to it? [or what other name to him than a fool?]
33379  SIR 34:4  What shall be cleansed of him that is unclean, and what true thing shall be said of a liar? [Of the unclean, what shall be cleansed, and of the liar, what sooth shall be said?]
33400  SIR 34:25  What profiteth the washing of him, that is washed for a dead body, and toucheth again a dead body? [That is baptized from the dead, and again toucheth the dead, what profit-eth his washing?]
33455  SIR 37:3  A! the worst presumption [or O! most shrewd presumption], whereof art thou made to cover dry malice, and the guilefulness thereof? [or the treachery of it?]
33538  SIR 39:21  It is not to say, What is this thing, either, What is that thing? [or What is this, or, What is that?] for why all things shall be sought in their time.
33719  SIR 46:3  Who before him against-stood so? [or so withstood?] for why the Lord himself smote the enemies.
33720  SIR 46:4  Whether the sun was not hin-dered in the wrathfulness of him, and one day was made as twain? [or two?]
33855  SIR 51:24  What tarry ye yet? [or What yet ye tarry?] and what say ye in these things? your souls thirst greatly.
34046  LJE 1:44  Forsooth all things that be done to them, be false. How therefore is it to guess, either to say, that those be gods? [or How is it to be guessed, or to be said, them to be gods?]