Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engwyc2017   Word’Word],    February 11, 2023 at 18:33    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

23962  MAT 22:21  They say to him, The emperor’s [or Of Caesar]. Then he said to them, Therefore yield ye to the emperor [or Caesar] those things that be the emperor’s [or Caesar’s], and to God those things that be of God.
25091  LUK 2:49  And he said to them, What is it that ye sought me? knew ye not, that in those things that be of my Father [or that be my Father’s], it behooveth me to be?
25873  LUK 20:25  And he said to them, Yield ye therefore to the emperor those things that be the emperor’s [or to Caesar those things that be Caesar’s], and those things that be of God, to God.
30955  REV 11:15  And the seventh angel trumped, and great voices were made in heaven, and said, The realm of this world is made of our Lord or our Lord’s, and of Christ [or Christ’s], his Son; and he shall reign into worlds of worlds. Amen.