Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engylt   Word?'    February 11, 2023 at 18:33    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

57  GEN 3:1  And the serpent hath been subtile above every beast of the field which Jehovah God hath made, and he saith unto the woman, 'Is it true that God hath said, Ye do not eat of every tree of the garden?'
65  GEN 3:9  And Jehovah God calleth unto the man, and saith to him, 'Where [art] thou?'
67  GEN 3:11  And He saith, 'Who hath declared to thee that thou [art] naked? of the tree of which I have commanded thee not to eat, hast thou eaten?'
69  GEN 3:13  And Jehovah God saith to the woman, 'What [is] this thou hast done?' and the woman saith, 'The serpent hath caused me to forget — and I do eat.'
89  GEN 4:9  And Jehovah saith unto Cain, 'Where [is] Abel thy brother?' and he saith, 'I have not known; my brother's keeper — I?'
369  GEN 15:8  and he saith, 'Lord Jehovah, whereby do I know that I possess it?'
390  GEN 16:8  and he saith, 'Hagar, Sarai's handmaid, whence hast thou come, and whither dost thou go?' and she saith, 'From the presence of Sarai, my mistress, I am fleeing.'
395  GEN 16:13  And she calleth the name of Jehovah who is speaking unto her, 'Thou [art], O God, my beholder;' for she said, 'Even here have I looked behind my beholder?'
415  GEN 17:17  And Abraham falleth upon his face, and laugheth, and saith in his heart, 'To the son of an hundred years is one born? or doth Sarah — daughter of ninety years — bear?'
434  GEN 18:9  And they say unto him, 'Where [is] Sarah thy wife?' and he saith, 'Lo — in the tent;'
450  GEN 18:25  Far be it from Thee to do according to this thing, to put to death the righteous with the wicked; that it hath been — as the righteous so the wicked — far be it from Thee; doth the Judge of all the earth not do justice?'
453  GEN 18:28  peradventure there are lacking five of the fifty righteous — dost Thou destroy for five the whole of the city?' and He saith, 'I destroy [it] not, if I find there forty and five.'
454  GEN 18:29  And he addeth again to speak unto Him and saith, 'Peradventure there are found there forty?' and He saith, 'I do [it] not, because of the forty.'
455  GEN 18:30  And he saith, 'Let it not be, I Pray thee, displeasing to the Lord, and I speak: peradventure there are found there thirty?' and He saith, 'I do [it] not, if I find there thirty.'
456  GEN 18:31  And he saith, 'Lo, I pray thee, I have willed to speak unto the Lord: peradventure there are found there twenty?' and He saith, 'I do not destroy [it], because of the twenty.'
457  GEN 18:32  And he saith, 'Let it not be, I pray Thee, displeasing to the Lord, and I speak only this time: peradventure there are found there ten?' and He saith, 'I do not destroy [it], because of the ten.'
506  GEN 20:10  Abimelech also saith unto Abraham, 'What hast thou seen that thou hast done this thing?'
521  GEN 21:7  She saith also, 'Who hath said to Abraham, Sarah hath suckled sons, that I have born a son for his old age?'
543  GEN 21:29  And Abimelech saith unto Abraham, 'What [are] they — these seven lambs which thou hast set by themselves?'
597  GEN 24:5  And the servant saith unto him, 'It may be the woman is not willing to come after me unto this land; do I at all cause thy son to turn back unto the land from whence thou camest out?'
615  GEN 24:23  and saith, 'Whose daughter [art] thou? declare to me, I pray thee, is the house of thy father a place for us to lodge in?'
650  GEN 24:58  and they call for Rebekah, and say unto her, 'Dost thou go with this man?' and she saith, 'I go.'
657  GEN 24:65  and she saith unto the servant, 'Who [is] this man who is walking in the field to meet us?' and the servant saith, 'It [is] my lord;' and she taketh the veil, and covereth herself.
681  GEN 25:22  and the children struggle together within her, and she saith, 'If [it is] right — why [am] I thus?' and she goeth to seek Jehovah.
691  GEN 25:32  And Esau saith, 'Lo, I am going to die, and what is this to me — birthright?'
702  GEN 26:9  And Abimelech calleth for Isaac, and saith, 'Lo, she [is] surely thy wife; and how hast thou said, She [is] my sister?' and Isaac saith unto him, 'Because I said, Lest I die for her.'
720  GEN 26:27  and Isaac saith unto them, 'Wherefore have ye come unto me, and ye have hated me, and ye send me away from you?'
746  GEN 27:18  And he cometh in unto his father, and saith, 'My father;' and he saith, 'Here [am] I; who [art] thou, my son?'
748  GEN 27:20  And Isaac saith unto his son, 'What [is] this thou hast hasted to find, my son?' and he saith, 'That which Jehovah thy God hath caused to come before me.'
752  GEN 27:24  and saith, 'Thou art he — my son Esau?' and he saith, 'I [am].'
760  GEN 27:32  And Isaac his father saith to him, 'Who [art] thou?' and he saith, 'I [am] thy son, thy first-born, Esau;'
764  GEN 27:36  And he saith, 'Is it because [one] called his name Jacob that he doth take me by the heel these two times? my birthright he hath taken; and lo, now, he hath taken my blessing;' he saith also, 'Hast thou not kept back a blessing for me?'
765  GEN 27:37  And Isaac answereth and saith to Esau, 'Lo, a mighty one have I set him over thee, and all his brethren have I given to him for servants, and [with] corn and wine have I sustained him; and for thee now, what shall I do, my son?'
773  GEN 27:45  till thy brother's anger turn back from thee, and he hath forgotten that which thou hast done to him, and I have sent and taken thee from thence; why am I bereaved even of you both the same day?'
774  GEN 27:46  And Rebekah saith unto Isaac, 'I have been disgusted with my life because of the presence of the daughters of Heth; if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, like these — from the daughters of the land — why do I live?'
800  GEN 29:4  And Jacob saith to them, 'My brethren, from whence [are] ye?' and they say, 'We [are] from Haran.'
801  GEN 29:5  And he saith to them, 'Have ye known Laban, son of Nahor?' and they say, 'We have known.'
802  GEN 29:6  And he saith to them, 'Hath he peace?' and they say, 'Peace; and lo, Rachel his daughter is coming with the flock.'
821  GEN 29:25  And it cometh to pass in the morning, that lo, it [is] Leah; and he saith unto Laban, 'What [is] this thou hast done to me? for Rachel have I not served with thee? and why hast thou deceived me?'
833  GEN 30:2  And Jacob's anger burneth against Rachel, and he saith, 'Am I in stead of God who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?'
846  GEN 30:15  And she saith to her, 'Is thy taking my husband a little thing, that thou hast taken also the love-apples of my son?' and Rachel saith, 'Therefore doth he lie with thee to-night, for thy son's love-apples.'
861  GEN 30:30  for [it is] little which thou hast had at my appearance, and it breaketh forth into a multitude, and Jehovah blesseth thee at my coming; and now, when do I make, I also, for mine own house?'
862  GEN 30:31  And he saith, 'What do I give to thee?' And Jacob saith, 'Thou dost not give me anything; if thou do for me this thing, I turn back; I have delight; thy flock I watch;
904  GEN 31:30  'And now, thou hast certainly gone, because thou hast been very desirous for the house of thy father; why hast thou stolen my gods?'
956  GEN 32:28  And he saith unto him, 'What [is] thy name?' and he saith, 'Jacob.'
958  GEN 32:30  And Jacob asketh, and saith, 'Declare, I pray thee, thy name;' and he saith, 'Why [is] this, thou askest for My name?' and He blesseth him there.
966  GEN 33:5  and he lifteth up his eyes, and seeth the women and the children, and saith, 'What [are] these to thee?' And he saith, 'The children with whom God hath favoured thy servant.'
969  GEN 33:8  And he saith, 'What to thee [is] all this camp which I have met?' and he saith, 'To find grace in the eyes of my lord.'
1012  GEN 34:31  And they say, 'As a harlot doth he make our sister?'
1092  GEN 37:8  And his brethren say to him, 'Dost thou certainly reign over us? dost thou certainly rule over us?' and they add still more to hate him, for his dreams, and for his words.
1094  GEN 37:10  And he recounteth unto his father, and unto his brethren; and his father pusheth against him, and saith to him, 'What [is] this dream which thou hast dreamt? do we certainly come — I, and thy mother, and thy brethren — to bow ourselves to thee, to the earth?'
1099  GEN 37:15  And a man findeth him, and lo, he is wandering in the field, and the man asketh him, saying, 'What seekest thou?'
1100  GEN 37:16  and he saith, 'My brethren I am seeking, declare to me, I pray thee, where they are feeding?'
1114  GEN 37:30  and he returneth unto his brethren, and saith, 'The lad is not, and I — whither am I going?'
1116  GEN 37:32  and send the long coat, and they bring [it] in unto their father, and say, 'This have we found; discern, we pray thee, whether it [is] thy son's coat or not?'
1136  GEN 38:16  and he turneth aside unto her by the way, and saith, 'Come, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee,' (for he hath not known that she [is] his daughter-in-law); and she saith, 'What dost thou give to me, that thou mayest come in unto me?'
1138  GEN 38:18  and he saith, 'What [is] the pledge that I give to thee?' and she saith, 'Thy seal, and thy ribbon, and thy staff which [is] in thy hand;' and he giveth to her, and goeth in unto her, and she conceiveth to him;
1141  GEN 38:21  And he asketh the men of her place, saying, 'Where [is] the separated one — she in Enayim, by the way?' and they say, 'There hath not been in this [place] a separated one.'
1254  GEN 42:1  And Jacob seeth that there is corn in Egypt, and Jacob saith to his sons, 'Why do you look at each other?'
1260  GEN 42:7  And Joseph seeth his brethren, and discerneth them, and maketh himself strange unto them, and speaketh with them sharp things, and saith unto them, 'From whence have ye come?' and they say, 'From the land of Canaan — to buy food.'
1297  GEN 43:6  And Israel saith, 'Why did ye evil to me, by declaring to the man that ye had yet a brother?'
1298  GEN 43:7  and they say, 'The man asked diligently concerning us, and concerning our kindred, saying, Is your father yet alive? have ye a brother? and we declare to him according to the tenor of these things; do we certainly know that he will say, Bring down your brother?'
1318  GEN 43:27  and he asketh of them of peace, and saith, 'Is your father well? the aged man of whom ye have spoken, is he yet alive?'
1320  GEN 43:29  And he lifteth up his eyes, and seeth Benjamin his brother, his mother's son, and saith, 'Is this your young brother, of whom ye have spoken unto me?' and he saith, 'God favour thee, my son.'
1340  GEN 44:15  and Joseph saith to them, 'What [is] this deed that ye have done? have ye not known that a man like me doth diligently observe?'
1362  GEN 45:3  And Joseph saith unto his brethren, 'I [am] Joseph, is my father yet alive?' and his brethren have not been able to answer him, for they have been troubled at his presence.
1424  GEN 47:3  and Pharaoh saith unto his brethren, 'What [are] your works?' and they say unto Pharaoh, 'Thy servants [are] feeders of a flock, both we and our fathers;'
1429  GEN 47:8  And Pharaoh saith unto Jacob, 'How many [are] the days of the years of thy life?'
1436  GEN 47:15  And the silver is consumed out of the land of Egypt, and out of the land of Canaan, and all the Egyptians come in unto Joseph, saying, 'Give to us bread — why do we die before thee, though the money hath ceased?'
1460  GEN 48:8  And Israel seeth the sons of Joseph, and saith, 'Who [are] these?'
1551  EXO 1:18  and the king of Egypt calleth for the midwives, and saith to them, 'Wherefore have ye done this thing, and keep the lads alive?'
1568  EXO 2:13  And he goeth out on the second day, and lo, two men, Hebrews, striving! and he saith to the wrong-doer, 'Why dost thou smite thy neighbour?'
1569  EXO 2:14  and he saith, 'Who set thee for a head and a judge over us? to slay me art thou saying [it], as thou hast slain the Egyptian?' and Moses feareth, and saith, 'Surely the thing hath been known.'
1583  EXO 3:3  And Moses saith, 'Let me turn aside, I pray thee, and I see this great appearance; wherefore is the bush not burned?'
1591  EXO 3:11  And Moses saith unto God, 'Who [am] I, that I go unto Pharaoh, and that I bring out the sons of Israel from Egypt?'
1593  EXO 3:13  And Moses saith unto God, 'Lo, I am coming unto the sons of Israel, and have said to them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you, and they have said to me, What [is] His name? what do I say unto them?'
1603  EXO 4:1  And Moses answereth and saith, 'And, if they do not give credence to me, nor hearken to my voice, and say, Jehovah hath not appeared unto thee?'
1604  EXO 4:2  And Jehovah saith unto him, 'What [is] this in thy hand?' and he saith, 'A rod;'
1668  EXO 6:12  and Moses speaketh before Jehovah, saying, 'Lo, the sons of Israel have not hearkened unto me, and how doth Pharaoh hear me, and I of uncircumcised lips?'
1686  EXO 6:30  And Moses saith before Jehovah, 'Lo, I [am] of uncircumcised lips, and how doth Pharaoh hearken unto me?'
1720  EXO 8:5  And Moses saith to Pharaoh, 'Beautify thyself over me; when do I make supplication for thee, and for thy servants, and for thy people, to cut off the frogs from thee and from thy houses — only in the River they do remain?'
1785  EXO 10:7  And the servants of Pharaoh say unto him, 'Until when doth this [one] become a snare to us? send the men away, and they serve Jehovah their God; knowest thou not yet that Egypt hath perished?'
1786  EXO 10:8  And Moses is brought back — Aaron also — unto Pharaoh, and he saith unto them, 'Go, serve Jehovah your God; — who and who [are] those going?'
1902  EXO 14:12  Is not this the word which we spake unto thee in Egypt, saying, Cease from us, and we serve the Egyptians; for better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in a wilderness?'
1945  EXO 15:24  And the people murmur against Moses, saying, 'What do we drink?'
1955  EXO 16:7  and morning — and ye have seen the honour of Jehovah, in His hearing your murmurings against Jehovah, and what [are] we, that ye murmur against us?'
1963  EXO 16:15  And the sons of Israel see, and say one unto another, 'What [is] it?' for they have not known what it [is]; and Moses saith unto them, 'It [is] the bread which Jehovah hath given to you for food.
1986  EXO 17:2  and the people strive with Moses, and say, 'Give us water, and we drink.' And Moses saith to them, 'What? — ye strive with me, what? — ye try Jehovah?'
1991  EXO 17:7  and he calleth the name of the place Massah, and Meribah, because of the 'strife' of the sons of Israel, and because of their 'trying' Jehovah, saying, 'Is Jehovah in our midst or not?'
2014  EXO 18:14  and the father-in-law of Moses seeth all that he is doing to the people, and saith, 'What [is] this thing which thou art doing to the people? wherefore art thou sitting by thyself, and all the people standing by thee from morning till evening?'
2460  EXO 32:21  And Moses saith unto Aaron, 'What hath this people done to thee, that thou hast brought in upon it a great sin?'
2997  LEV 10:19  And Aaron speaketh unto Moses, 'Lo, to-day they have brought near their sin-offering and their burnt-offering before Jehovah; and [things] like these meet me, yet I have eaten a sin-offering to-day; is it good in the eyes of Jehovah?'
3973  NUM 9:7  and those men say unto him, 'We are defiled by the body of a man; why are we withheld so as not to bring near the offering of Jehovah in its appointed season, in the midst of the sons of Israel?'
4047  NUM 11:22  Is flock and herd slaughtered for them, that one hath found for them? — are all the fishes of the sea gathered for them — that one hath found for them?'
4062  NUM 12:2  and they say, 'Only by Moses hath Jehovah spoken? also by us hath he not spoken?' and Jehovah heareth.
4068  NUM 12:8  mouth unto mouth I speak with him, and [by] an appearance, and not in riddles; and the form of Jehovah he beholdeth attentively; and wherefore have ye not been afraid to speak against My servant — against Moses?'
4112  NUM 14:3  and why is Jehovah bringing us in unto this land to fall by the sword? our wives and our infants are become a prey; is it not good for us to turn back to Egypt?'
4198  NUM 16:3  and they are assembled against Moses and against Aaron, and say unto them, 'Enough of you! for all the company — all of them [are] holy, and in their midst [is] Jehovah; and wherefore do ye lift yourselves up above the assembly of Jehovah?'
4206  NUM 16:11  Therefore, thou and all thy company who are met [are] against Jehovah; and Aaron, what [is] he, that ye murmur against him?'
4258  NUM 17:28  any who is at all drawing near unto the tabernacle of Jehovah dieth; have we not been consumed — to expire?'