23234 | MAT 1:21 | Ye bele dimolowagili semal yalwich tarmal ngo hosa hadeda bo Jesus, bo fal mala be hadorar yarmat mo irel mekla molfidir.” |
23236 | MAT 1:23 | “Fefel we ye birgo ila bele siyal le yebe dimolowagili semal yalwich mal le rebe ffesangu ngali bo Immanuel” (fal yidle ila, “Deus ye mel irech”). |
23240 | MAT 2:2 | Resa budoh kasiy, “Ifa iy yalwich we sa subdoh le be mel bo yar Jews king? Hasa wiri fis la hawrel le ye bidah mo meteral, iwe hasa budoh bo habe hasrowu.” |
23242 | MAT 2:4 | Yesa hateyli fengalir panger tamol temarong mo sensel Hatobtob we yesa kasiyar le ye sor bo, “Iya lobosle Kristus be subdoh mo iyang?” |
23244 | MAT 2:6 | ‘Gel haplom la Bethlehem le ho mel wol Judea, te gel mele ho hartal totol mo irel mekla haplomol tamol wol Judea; bele budoh semal mo irem le iy mele be lamalir ngo ye kekadarlahor yarmetal Israel ka layi.’” |
23246 | MAT 2:8 | Iwe yesa fangloh ir Bethlehem le ye kangalur bo: “Ha loh ha bela meri hamayu yalwich la, ngo ha bela wiri chog ngo hasa budoh kangaluyey, bo ngang ibe wol loh ibela hasrowu.” |
23251 | MAT 2:13 | Wol miril molwe resa loh ngo semal angelusel Samol sa llah ngal Joseph luwul yal ddal le ye kangalu bo, “Yerodes ila sa memeri fedaley yalwich la bo yebe limeseloh. Ila chemdah hobe hasi yalwich la mo mala sil hasa kewag loh woal Egypt ha sala paoy iyang. Ibe yigil sor bo habe tefael ngo hasa moch tefael.” |
23253 | MAT 2:15 | ila lobosle rela mel iyang yee, la yigil mes Yerodes. Re foru mele bo bela llahloh le katos mokwe yalol Samol le profeta we ye sor bo, “Isa ffesanguwey mala layi mo woal Egypt.” |
23256 | MAT 2:18 | “Resa rongrong yalol sew formel mo wol Ramah, yalol yael yarmat tetang le ye bbareg lal deper. Rachel ila ye tetangdi yalwich kala lol; tay mechal bo rebe hafel lal depal, bo panger ngo resa rol mes.” |
23258 | MAT 2:20 | “Chemdah, hasi yalwich la mo mala sil hasa tefael ngal Israel, bo rechokwe re luluwaley bo rebe lliy yalwich la ila resa rol mes.” |
23261 | MAT 2:23 | Ye sala hasu imwla imwal woal sew haplom le rema sor bo Nazareth. Iwe mokwe profeta kowe re sor irel kofal yalwich we ila sala llah le katos: “Re bele ffesangu ngali le iy semal re Nazareth.” |
23263 | MAT 3:2 | Ye sor bo, “Ha tagul tang molfidmi, bo mala Lamliyel Laeng ila sa harep!” |
23264 | MAT 3:3 | Johannes molwe profeta Isaiah ye kekapta kofal irel yodwe ye sor bo, “Ye tetawul semal mo lobosla ye tolmay loh le ye sor bo, ‘Ha hafle sew yalap bo yalepal Samol; ha hawwele mala yalepal!’” |
23273 | MAT 3:12 | Yesa fel lital yengang kala yal le yema hayagi uwal milay la yal iyang. Yesa hasi ikla ye moway sa yetolong yilim, ngo ye hasi ikla tayikof sa fisgi wol yaef la tema gul.” |
23275 | MAT 3:14 | Iwe ngo Johannes ye luwaley bo be liwel yael Jesus luluwal. Johannes sa kangalu bo, “Ngang mele ibe baptismus mo irem, ngo gel ho sala budoh irey!” |
23276 | MAT 3:15 | Iwe ngo Jesus sa hatefali ngo sa sor bo, “Si bele foru mwo iye igla. Sibe foru le be iye sengal ila ngo siya foru pangal mekla Deus ye dipli.” Iwe Johannes sa moch dipli. |
23278 | MAT 3:17 | Iwe ngo resa rongrong mele le ye bidiy mo wol laeng, “Iye mele layi, le iy hartal hachangi.” |
23281 | MAT 4:3 | Iwe ngo Moniyan we sa budoh irel Jesus sa kangalu bo, “Hare gel Lol Deus ngo hosa kangalu faeska bo be mel bo flowa.” |
23282 | MAT 4:4 | Iwe ngo Jesus sa sor bo, “Babior we ye santus ye sor, ‘Yarmat ila te flowa chog mele rebe molow iyang, bo mekla yalol Deus mele rebe molow iyang.’” |
23284 | MAT 4:6 | Iwe ngo yesa kangalu bo, “Hare gel Lol Deus ngo hosa llutdiy, bo babior we ye santus ye sor bo, ‘Deus be kangalur angelus kowe lol mele rebe faor ngalug; rebe holugdah lal mekla payur, bo ila ngo ye towe bbareg fael pechem irel feas.’” |
23285 | MAT 4:7 | Iwe ngo Jesus sa sor bo, “Babior we ye santus ye wol sor bo, ‘Ho towe tapeli Samol la yami Deus hagelgel.’” |
23287 | MAT 4:9 | Iwe Moniyan we sa kangalu bo, “Pangal meka ngo iy be ngaloh igle hobe hasubgudiy ngo hosa hasrowuyey.” |
23288 | MAT 4:10 | Iwe Jesus sa sor bo, “Chuy mo igla ho, Satan! Babior we ye santus ye sor bo, ‘Deus chog mele habe hasrowu ngo ha tagul ngali, ngo tor semal mo solbos!’” |
23294 | MAT 4:16 | Rechokla re mel luwul ruchupung ila re bele wiri sew teram le ye palleng. Iwe ngo rechokla re mel luwul ruchupung lobola liliyer chomes ila bele werdiy sew teram uwor.” |
23295 | MAT 4:17 | Ila yodla ye chap yael Jesus foloy le ye sor bo, “Ha tagul tang molfidmi bo mala Lamliyel Laeng ila sa harep!” |
23297 | MAT 4:19 | Iwe Jesus sa kangalur bo, “Ha dabeyey, bo ibe haskuna ngalugmi fitel yarmat.” |
23412 | MAT 7:27 | Yela kkel yal ppotog sala ssogdah mololul ngo ye burloh wol fuluy, ngo ye mmordoh yang, sa ppungdiy imw we sala medardarloh.” |
23416 | MAT 8:2 | Iwe sala budoh semal mal irel le ye pachngali mesel pekel, sa hasubugudiy mo imol sa kangalu bo, “Hare ye fel mo lal depom le hobe hachuya mesel pekel le mo uwoy ngo hosa hachuya.” |
23417 | MAT 8:3 | Jesus sa cchangloh sala yangsi mal we ngo sa kangalu bo, “Ye fel mo lal depey, bele chuy mesla mo uwom!” Irel yodwe chog ngo sa chuyloh mesel pekel we mo uwol mal we. |
23418 | MAT 8:4 | Iwe Jesus sa kangalu bo, “Talenga! Tor le hobe kangalu mele isa faor ngalug, ngo ligdi bo hobe loh irel temarong we bo ye bela kemahoh. Ngo hosa fang maligach we Moses ye sor, le ila mele bele mel le yam tugul ngalir pangal yarmat le sa chuy mesel pekel mo uwom.” |
23420 | MAT 8:6 | “Samol, boy la yai ila sa yol chog irel mala imwey le sa kkel yal tomay, le tay yoh le be mmagudgud ngo sa kkel yal hafohoy.” |
23421 | MAT 8:7 | Iwe Jesus sa sor bo, “Ibele loh ibela hachuya yal tomay.” |
23423 | MAT 8:9 | Ngang mwo ngo yor tot saldaw le re tagiyet mo imoy, ngo yor tot le re totol: ibe kangalu iye semal bo, ‘Ho loh!’ ngo be loh, ngo ibe kangalu ila semal bo, ‘Budoh!’ ngo yebe budoh; ngo ibe kangalu boy la yai bo, ‘Foru mele!’ ngo yema foru.” |
23426 | MAT 8:12 | Iwe ngo rechokla medalbo rebe mel irel lobola Lamliyel Laeng, ila re bele ppedirwey mo iyang re bela mel luwul rochupung, re bela tetang ngo re ketangtingi ngir mo iyang.” |
23427 | MAT 8:13 | Iwe Jesus sa kangalu tamol saldaw we bo, “Tefal loh llubugtam, bo mekla hosa chepar iyang, ila bele yoh ngalug.” Irel yodwe chog ngo sa chuy yael boy we tomay. |
23431 | MAT 8:17 | Ye foru mele bo fal mala bela llahloh le ye katos mokwe profeta Isaiah ye sor irel bo, “Ye hachuya yach tomay ngo wol hachuya maes mo uwoch.” |
23433 | MAT 8:19 | Sala budoh semal mokwe sensel Hatobtob we ngo sa kangalu Jesus bo, “Sensey, isa fel le te tugul solbos le hobe loh iyang ngo ibe daboh.” |
23434 | MAT 8:20 | Jesus sa sor bo, “Fox mwo ngo yor ngeter, ngo mael yeyal ka ngo yor hafter, ngo mala Layur Retalop ila tor solbos le be yoldiy mo iyang bo yebe hasoso.” |
23435 | MAT 8:21 | Ye mel semal mokwe re dabeyal le ye kangalu Jesus bo, “Sensey, widyey ibe tefael loh ibela leba mala temay.” |
23436 | MAT 8:22 | Jesus sa sor bo, “Dabeyey, ligdir chomes rebe leba yar mes.” |
23439 | MAT 8:25 | Mokwe re dabeyal resa fangludah ngo resa kangalu bo, “Samol, hadoragich. Igla ila si bele mes!” |
23440 | MAT 8:26 | Jesus sa sor bo, “Meda mele hasa rusmes iyang? Tehal sugfed yami tugul!” Iwe yesa sudah sa kangalu yaeng mo law bo rebe posoloh, iwe sala malululoh. |
23441 | MAT 8:27 | Pangerloh ngo re lluwdah. Iwe resa sor bo, “Yarmat meda mele? Yaeng mo law mwo ngo rema talenga yalol!” |
23443 | MAT 8:29 | Irel yodla chog ngo resa ttawul le re sor bo, “Gel mala lol Deus, meda mele hosa luluwaley ngalugmem? Hosa budoh le hobe fang yamem hagerger mo imol yodla rebe hagerugmem iyang?” |
23445 | MAT 8:31 | Iwe moniyan kowe resa hafalpechey Jesus le re sor bo, “Hare ho bele ddabohmem loh mo uwor rechoka, ilang ngo hosa fangloh hamem ha bela mel uwor pabiy kalay.” |
23446 | MAT 8:32 | Jesus sa kangalur bo, “Ha loh,” Iwe resa chuy re sala mel uwor pabiy kowe. Iwe ngo panger pabiy kowe ngo resa hamdawey mo wol metal hohyal we resa pungdiy lal chaelwe re sala malom loh. |
23450 | MAT 9:2 | Iwe ngo tot yarmat resa hasidoh semal mal irel le ye mahatugut le ye yol wol sew bet. Yodwe Jesus ye wiri lepal kelel tugul we yar, ngo sa kangalu mal we ye pachngali meswe bo, “Layi, hakkela lal depom! Sa chuy fael yam molfid.” |
23451 | MAT 9:3 | Iwe ngo tot mokwe sensel Hatobtob we resa luluwaley long chog lal deper bo, “Mal le ila sa hapatpat tayikof irel Deus!” |
23454 | MAT 9:6 | Ibele hatuglu ngalugmi le, mele Layur Retalop ila yor kkelel wol talople, le be hachuya fael molfid.” Iwe yesa kangalu mal we ye mahatugut bo, “Sudah, hosa hasi mala giyem, ngo hosa loh bugtam!” |
23457 | MAT 9:9 | Jesus sa ligdi loboswe sa dedarloh sala wiri semal chol hateyel paliyel raeg, le Matthew idal, le ye maroro lal yofis la yal. Jesus sa kangalu bo, “Dabeyey.” Matthew sa sudah sa dabey Jesus. |
23459 | MAT 9:11 | Tot Pharisees kowe re wiri ngo resa kasiya mokwe re dabeyel Jesus bo, “Meda mele sensey la yami yela mongoy ngalir rechokla ila senger iyang?” |
23461 | MAT 9:13 | Ha loh ha bela gola fael molwe Babior we ye Santus ye sor bo: ‘Ite dipli le habe teptap mael bo yami maligach ngalyey, bo momayel hagiyeg mele idipli.’ Ite budoh bo ibe ffesangur rechokla re momay, bo rechokla re tayikof mele ibudoh bo ibe fesangur.” |
23462 | MAT 9:14 | Re budoh mokwe re dabeyel Johannes Baptista irel Jesus resa kasiya bo, “Meda fal le hamem mo Pharisees kowe hama toa supiy halmem, ngo mekla re dabeyem re tema supiy haler?” |
23465 | MAT 9:17 | Ngo wol tor semal le ma kak wine kowe ye tafoy sa yetolong lal liliyel wine kowe sa ssulay, bo be ttar liliyel wine we sa ssulay, sala serloh wine we. Wine ka ye tefoy ila rebe yetelong lal liliyel wine kowe ye tefoy, ila ngo roruwow ngo tor mele be foru.” |
23466 | MAT 9:18 | Yodwe Jesus ye sor molwe ngo semal tamol kowe yar Jews sa budoh irel, sa hasubgudiy mo imol ngo sa kangalu bo, “Ye moch mesloh chog semal lefechig layi, dabeyey ho bela yetedah pom uwol bo yebe molow.” |
23469 | MAT 9:21 | Fefel we sa luluwaley long chog lal depal le ye sor bo, “Hare ibe yangsi chog mala mengagol ngo be chuy yai tomay.” |
23470 | MAT 9:22 | Jesus ye tagul sala wiri fefel we ngo sa kangalu bo, “Layi, hakkela lal depom! Tugul la yam mele sa hachuya yam tomay.” Yodwe chog ngo ye chuyloh tomay we yael fefel we. |
23472 | MAT 9:24 | ngo Jesus sa kangalur bo, “Ha rowey ligtam pangamiloh! Lefechig la ila te mes bele yal masor chog!” Iwe ngo panger rechokwe ngo resa maligili Jesus. |
23475 | MAT 9:27 | Jesus sa chuy mo loboswe sa dedarloh ngo rumal mal le re metafis resa dabey. Resa tetawulagili le re sor bo, “Yebe ffaho depom ngalugmem, ho mala Lol David!” |
23476 | MAT 9:28 | Yodwe Jesus ye bulong yilim ngo metafis kowe rumal resa budoh irel ngo Jesus sa kasiyar bo, “Ha chepar le be yoh le ibe hachuya yami metafis?” Iwe ngo ir resa sor bo, “Ngo, ha chepar!” |
23477 | MAT 9:29 | Iwe Jesus sa yangsi mokwe meter ngo sa sor bo, “Bele chuy yami metafis le mil mala ha chepar!” |
23478 | MAT 9:30 | Iwe sala ffod tefael mokwe meter sala momay loh. Jesus sa kangalu hamayur bo, “Tor le habe kangalu mele!” |
23481 | MAT 9:33 | Yodwe chog ye chuy moniyan we, ngo mal we sa chap yal hapatpat ngo pangal yarmat ngo resa lluwdah. Iwe resa sor bo, “Tedyor mwo mo fael sew le si wiri tappel mele mo wol Israel!” |
23482 | MAT 9:34 | Iwe ngo Pharisees kowe resa sor bo, “Mala tamol moniyan mele ye fang kkelal bo yebe hachuchuy moniyan.” |
23486 | MAT 9:38 | Hala hafalpechey yeramtala yal milay le, bo yebe fang tot chol yengang bo re bela hatteyili fengali mekla uwal milay le.” |
23528 | MAT 10:42 | Be tugul lal dipmi, le semal le yebe holu chael semal rechoka ye hartal totol mo luwulur meka choluway bo fael mala iy semal choluway, ila ye tugul bo yor yal payel hachigchig le be yoh ngali.” |
23531 | MAT 11:3 | Iwe re sala kasiya Jesus bo, “Kangalugmem, gel yeramtawe Johannes ye sor le be budoh, hare ye chil mel semal le ila yeramtala habe widi?” |
23534 | MAT 11:6 | Ifa lepal momayel deper rechokla yete yeyewal deper irey!” |
23547 | MAT 11:19 | Yodwe yela budoh molwe Layur Retalop, ngo ye ma mongoy ngo yema yul le ye hafedeg ngalir chog pangal yarmat, iwe ngo resa sor bo, ‘Ha kemahoy mal le! Ye toa hamongolap ngo ye toa yul wine. Ye hamareyar ngalir chol hateyel paliyel raeg mo cho tayikof!’ Mala repiyel Deus ila sa llah le ye katos mo irel mekla resa wiri le ye budoh mo iyang.” |
23552 | MAT 11:24 | Habe hatugulu mo lal dipmi le yodla Rael Tatelal Hapatpat, ngo Deus be kkel tot yal fahoy Sodom mo imoami!” |
23558 | MAT 11:30 | Mala ibele yetedah uwomi ila ye mechrag ngo ye ppal.” |
23560 | MAT 12:2 | Yodwe Pharisees kowe re wiri molwe re foforu ngo resa kangalu Jesus bo, “Kemahoy, ye tafel ngal Hatobtob we yach le meka re dabeyem rebe foru tappel mala resa foru rall Sabbath!” |
23566 | MAT 12:8 | bo mala Layur Retalop mele iy Samol le ye lamli Sabbath.” |
23568 | MAT 12:10 | le ye mel semal mal iyang le ye mes sere mala paol. Ye mel tot yarmat lobowe le re luluwaley bo rebe ffaeg derel Jesus. Iwe resa kasiya bo, “Ifa sengal ye tayikof ngal Hatobtob le yach le sibe hachuchuy tomay mo uwor yarmat rall Sabbath?” |
23570 | MAT 12:12 | Ye palleng pelal semal yarmat mo imol semal saaf! Ila Hatobtob we yach ye teladgich le sibe tipingi semal wol Sabbath.” |
23571 | MAT 12:13 | Iwe sa kangalu mal we ye mes sere paol bo, “Hawweleloh mala poam.” Mal we ye haweleloh molwe paol sala momayloh le sa tappel chog rewe sere. |
23579 | MAT 12:21 | Ngo pangal yarmat ngo re bele yetedah deper uwol.” |
23581 | MAT 12:23 | Panger rechokwe we ngo resa lluwdah irel molwe Jesus sa foru. Iwe resa kasiy le re sor bo, “Te iye mal we Lol David?” |
23582 | MAT 12:24 | Yodwe Pharisees kowe re la rongrong molwe ngo resa sor bo, “Yema hachuchuy moniyan, bo Beelzebul le yar tamol mele ye fang kkelal bo be foru.” |
23595 | MAT 12:37 | Mekla ha sor mele rebe tapeli irel yar hatugulu kofmi hare ha bung hare ha tabung.” |
23596 | MAT 12:38 | Iwe ngo tot mokwe sensel Hatobtob we mo tot Pharisees re kangalu Jesus bo, “Sensey, ha dipli habe wurug le hobe foru sew kkemal.” |
23603 | MAT 12:45 | Yesa loh sala fesangurdoh fismol moniyan le sa kkel tot yar tayikof mo imol, resa budoh paoy lobowe. Iwe ye bele la paoy yaramtawe le bele kkel yal tayikof mo imol molwe metamo. Iye mele bele wel ngalir rechokla re tayikof raleka.” |
23605 | MAT 12:47 | Iwe semal mo lobowe yesa kangalu Jesus bo, “Kalloh, molwe solom mo mokwe wol bisim ikla re su ligtam le re dipli rebe hapatpat ngalug.” |
23606 | MAT 12:48 | Jesus sa hatefali ngalir ngo sa sor bo, “Itey mele seley? Itey mele bisiy?” |
23608 | MAT 12:50 | Semal le ye foru mekla mala Temay wol laeng ye dipli bo yebe foru, ngo ila mala bisiy, mo mengay, mo seley.” |
23616 | MAT 13:8 | Iwe ngo tot ye ppungdiy lobo kowe ye momay bol iyang, yela pallengdah sala yor uwal. Yor ika kasubguy uwal, ngo yor ika kaweleg uwal, ngo yor ika kasilig uwal.” |
23617 | MAT 13:9 | Iwe ngo Jesus sa hasiyaloh yal hapatpat le ye sor bo, “Ha talenga hare yor talengmi!” |
23618 | MAT 13:10 | Iwe ngo mokwe re dabeyel Jesus resa budoh irel resa kasiya bo, “Meda mele homa teptap fiyong le hobe hapatpat ngalir yarmat iyang?” |
23631 | MAT 13:23 | Iwe ngo faesol ire kowe ye ppungdiy sala tumuldah mo luwul bol kala ye momay, ila re wochog rechokla re rongrong mala yalol Deus ngo re medaf iyang, sala yor uwar, le tot ikla kasubguy, ngo tot ikla kaweleg, ngo tot ikla kasilig.” |
23638 | MAT 13:30 | Ha ligdi bo be tumul sew dah wheat kala mo fadil kala yee, yela hola yodla yebe masow wheat kala iyang. Iwe ngo isa moch kangalur chol yengang kala rebe tarhadah mwo fadil kala, ngo resa hohoyu fengali le be sew mo sew pulgul resa fisgi. Iwe ngo re moch hatteyili fengali wheat kala resa yetolong lal soko we yai.’” |
23640 | MAT 13:32 | Ila faesol ire la ye hartal wechich mo luwul pangal faesol ire. Iwe ngo yela tumuldah sala mel le ye hartal palleng mo luwul pangal ire. Iwe sala mel le sehay ire le mael yeyal rema budoh ffaor hafter wol mekla ral.” |
23641 | MAT 13:33 | Jesus ye wol kangalur sew fiyong le ye sor bo, “Mala Lamliyel Laeng ila iye sengal: Semal fefel ye kak habboloh sa polongal flowa sala habolaho pangal flowa we.” |
23643 | MAT 13:35 | Ye foru mele iye sengal bo bela llah le ye katos mokwe profeta kowe re sor: “Iy be ma teptap fiyong irel yodka iy be ma hapatpat ngalir; iy bele kangalur tot formel le tor le ye gola, mo irel yodwe chog ye subdoh faileng le yee, la holadoh igla ka.” |
23644 | MAT 13:36 | Yodwe Jesus ye ligdir buwa we sa bulong yilim, ngo mokwe re dabeyal resa budoh irel resa kangalu bo, “Kangalugmem fael molwe fiyongol fadil kowe wol milay we.” |
23658 | MAT 13:50 | Resa ppedirlong wulyef ngo re bele rol tetang ngo re ketangtingi fadaley mekla ngir.” |
23659 | MAT 13:51 | Jesus ye kasiyar bo, “Hasa medaf irel meka?” Iwe ngo resa sor bo, “Ngo.” |
23660 | MAT 13:52 | Iwe yesa sor bo, “Fael mele ila panger mokwe sensel Hatobtob we resa mel bo re dabeyey mo irel mala Lamliyel Laeng, ngo resa wochog semal yarmat le ye mel sew imw imwal le yesa girawey mekla yesa ssulay mo ikala ye tefoy mo lal lobola yema yitet lital iyang.” |
23664 | MAT 13:56 | Ngo te panger mokwe wol mwengal ngo rema mel wol haplom le? Ila ngo iya lobole yela gola meka mo iyang?” |
23665 | MAT 13:57 | Iwe re sala te kadagiloh. Jesus sa kangalur bo, “Pangal lobos ngo rema hassaror profeta mo iyang. Halachog mekla yarmetal faluyel profeta we, mo wol yarmetal mele re tema hassaro.” |
23668 | MAT 14:2 | Yesa kangalur tamol kowe wocchilal bo, “Yeramtala ila Johannes Baptista le sa molow tefael mo irel maes. Ila fal le yor kkelal le be ffaor kkemal.” |