23214 | MAT 1:1 | Iye mele babiorol rechokwe re hamodoh mo imol Jesus Kristus le daowe yael David, ngo David ila ye budoh mo irel daowe yael Abraham. |
23215 | MAT 1:2 | Ye chap mo irel Abraham sa budoh irel King David, le iye mele babioror daokala: Abraham ila temal Isaac, ngo Isaac ila temal Jacob, ngo Jacob ila temal Judah mo mekla wol bisil; iwe ngo Judah ila temal Perez mo Zerah (ngo seler ila Tamar), Perez ila temal Hezron ngo Hezron ila temal Ram, ngo Ram ila temal Amminadab, ngo Amminadab ila temal Nahshon, ngo Nahshon ila temal Salmon, ngo Salmon ila temal Boaz (ngo sil ila Rahab), ngo Boaz ila temal Obed (ngo Ruth mele sil), ngo Obed ila temal Jesse, ngo Jesse ila temal King David. |
23220 | MAT 1:7 | Ye chap irel molwe wol mol David yee, la hola yodwe re hachuyar yarmetal Israel mo wol Babylon. Iwe ngo David ila temal Solomon (mala sil ila molwe ril Uriah), Solomon ila temal Rehoboam, ngo Rehoboam ila tamal Abijah; ngo Abijah ila tamal Asa; ngo Asa ila temal Jehoshaphat, ngo Jehoshaphat ila temal Jehoram, ngo Jehoram ila temal Uzziah, ngo Uzziah ila temal Jotham, ngo Jotham ila temal Ahaz, ngo Ahaz ila temal Hezekiah, ngo Hezekiah ila temal Manasseh, ngo Manasseh ila temal Amon, ngo Amon ila temal Josiah mo Jehoiachin mo mekla wol bisil. |
23225 | MAT 1:12 | Irel yodwe re hachuya yarmetal Israel mo wol Babylon yee, la hola yodwe bungul yal subdoh Jesus, ngo Jehoiachin ila temal Shealtiel, ngo Shealtiel ila temal Zerubbabel, ngo Zerubbabel ila temal Abiud, ngo Abiud ila temal Eliakim, ngo Eliakim ila temal Azor, ngo Azor ila temal Zadok, ngo Zadok ila temal Achim, ngo Achim ila temal Eliud, ngo Eliud ila temal Eleazar, ngo Eleazar ila temal Matthan, ngo Matthan ila temal Jacob, ngo Jacob ila temal Joseph, ngo Joseph ila ril Maria. Iwe ngo Maria ila sil Jesus we rema ffesangu ngali bo Kristus. |
23231 | MAT 1:18 | Iye sengal wululul yal subdoh Jesus Kristus. Maria we sil ila re kapta bo rebe paoy fengal mo Joseph, ngo imol yodwe rebe paoy sew ngo Maria sala gola le yesa siyal irel mala kkamelal Espritu Santus. |
23232 | MAT 1:19 | Joseph ila semal mal le pangal yad ngo ye hafle pangal formel. Iwe ngo yete dipli bo yebe hatayikofa depel Maria luwul yarmat. Iwe yesa luwaley le re bele mehal le tor le be gola. |
23233 | MAT 1:20 | Yodwe chil luluwaley fedaley kofal molwe ngo semal angelusel Samol sa llah ngali luwul yal ddal sa kangalu bo “Joseph, le chol daowe yael David, ho towe motog le hobe hasi Maria bo yam habulupoy. Bo mala kkamelal Espritu Santus mele sa siyal Maria iyang. |
23234 | MAT 1:21 | Ye bele dimolowagili semal yalwich tarmal ngo hosa hadeda bo Jesus, bo fal mala be hadorar yarmat mo irel mekla molfidir.” |
23237 | MAT 1:24 | Yela mmat Joseph ngo ye sala foru mokwe angelusel Samol ye kangalu, yesa loh ye sala paoy ngal Maria. |
23238 | MAT 1:25 | Iwe ngo tor fael sew le re masor sew yee, yela dimolowagili yalwich mal we lol. Iwe ngo Joseph sa hadeda bo Jesus. |
23239 | MAT 2:1 | Jesus ye sub mo Bethlehem wol Judea, irel yodla ngo Yerodes mele king. Te ssulay mo wol miril yal subdoh yalwich we ngo tot mal le re gola kofal fis resa bidiy mo meteral rebe loh Jerusalem. |
23240 | MAT 2:2 | Resa budoh kasiy, “Ifa iy yalwich we sa subdoh le be mel bo yar Jews king? Hasa wiri fis la hawrel le ye bidah mo meteral, iwe hasa budoh bo habe hasrowu.” |
23241 | MAT 2:3 | Yodwe King Yerodes yela rongrong molwe ngo tayfel loh lal depal, ngo wol ila sengal yarmat wol pangaloh Jerusalem. |
23243 | MAT 2:5 | Iwe ngo resa hatefali le re sor bo, “Irel haplom we Bethlehem we ye mel wol Judea, bo ika meka profeta we re tefa lal babior: |
23244 | MAT 2:6 | ‘Gel haplom la Bethlehem le ho mel wol Judea, te gel mele ho hartal totol mo irel mekla haplomol tamol wol Judea; bele budoh semal mo irem le iy mele be lamalir ngo ye kekadarlahor yarmetal Israel ka layi.’” |
23251 | MAT 2:13 | Wol miril molwe resa loh ngo semal angelusel Samol sa llah ngal Joseph luwul yal ddal le ye kangalu bo, “Yerodes ila sa memeri fedaley yalwich la bo yebe limeseloh. Ila chemdah hobe hasi yalwich la mo mala sil hasa kewag loh woal Egypt ha sala paoy iyang. Ibe yigil sor bo habe tefael ngo hasa moch tefael.” |
23252 | MAT 2:14 | Joseph sa chemdah chog sa hasi yalwich we mo molwe sil resa chuy chog bongol we resa loh woal Egypt, |
23255 | MAT 2:17 | Iwe ye sala llahloh le mokwe profeta Jeremiah ye sor ila katos: |
23257 | MAT 2:19 | Wol miril yal mes Yerodes ngo semal angelusel Samol sa llah ngal Joseph luwul yal ddal mo woal Egypt ngo sa kangalu bo, |
23259 | MAT 2:21 | Iwe Joseph sa chemdah sa hasi yalwich we mo molwe sil resa tefael ngal Israel. |
23260 | MAT 2:22 | Iwe ngo yodwe Joseph yela rongrong le Archelaus sa liwli Yerodes we temal, le sa mel bo tamol woal Judea ngo sa motog le be loh loboswe. Sa cholop mekla resa kangalu mo irel yal dal le be foru. Iwe sa loh irel mokwe faluyel Galilee. |
23262 | MAT 3:1 | Irel yodla ngo Johannes Baptista yesa budoh solbos le ye tolmay loh mo woal Judea sa chapiy yal foloy. |
23264 | MAT 3:3 | Johannes molwe profeta Isaiah ye kekapta kofal irel yodwe ye sor bo, “Ye tetawul semal mo lobosla ye tolmay loh le ye sor bo, ‘Ha hafle sew yalap bo yalepal Samol; ha hawwele mala yalepal!’” |
23265 | MAT 3:4 | Mekla mengagul Johannes ila ye ffaor mo irel yulol kameng ngo ye tertar gil karbow ngo mekla ma mongoy ila malhawael me honey. |
23266 | MAT 3:5 | Yarmat resa budoh irel, le re budoh mo Jerusalem mo mekla faluyel Judea mo pangal fulu kala ye harpa mololul we Jordan. |
23267 | MAT 3:6 | Resa budoh sor mekla molfidir ngo re baptismus mo irel Johannes mo lal mololul we Jordan. |
23268 | MAT 3:7 | Yodwe Johannes yela wiri we sa cholop Pharisees mo Sadducees le resa budoh irel bo rebe baptismus ngo sa kangalur bo, “Hami parchoyoh kala, itey le ye kangalugmi le be yoh le habe kewag tang hagerger la Deus be fang? |
23274 | MAT 3:13 | Irel yodla ngo Jesus sa chuy mo Galilee sa budoh irel Johannes irel mololul we Jordan bo Johannes yebe baptismusgili. |
23275 | MAT 3:14 | Iwe ngo Johannes ye luwaley bo be liwel yael Jesus luluwal. Johannes sa kangalu bo, “Ngang mele ibe baptismus mo irem, ngo gel ho sala budoh irey!” |
23276 | MAT 3:15 | Iwe ngo Jesus sa hatefali ngo sa sor bo, “Si bele foru mwo iye igla. Sibe foru le be iye sengal ila ngo siya foru pangal mekla Deus ye dipli.” Iwe Johannes sa moch dipli. |
23277 | MAT 3:16 | Yodwe chog Jesus ye baptismus, ngo yesa bidah mo lal mololul we. Iwe ngo laeng sa sugeg ngali, ngo sala wiri Espritu Santus we yael Deus le sa bidiy le ye wochog semal dove. |
23279 | MAT 4:1 | Iwe ngo Espritu Santus sa hakela depel Jesus sa paliloh irel loboswe ye tolmay loh bo fal mala be budoh Moniyan be hagela hare be weg depal. |
23281 | MAT 4:3 | Iwe ngo Moniyan we sa budoh irel Jesus sa kangalu bo, “Hare gel Lol Deus ngo hosa kangalu faeska bo be mel bo flowa.” |
23282 | MAT 4:4 | Iwe ngo Jesus sa sor bo, “Babior we ye santus ye sor, ‘Yarmat ila te flowa chog mele rebe molow iyang, bo mekla yalol Deus mele rebe molow iyang.’” |
23283 | MAT 4:5 | Iwe ngo Moniyan we sa hasiloh Jesus wol Jerusalem irel Haplom we ye Santus, ye sala yitli lobowe ye hartal tagiyet mo wol Templum we. |
23285 | MAT 4:7 | Iwe ngo Jesus sa sor bo, “Babior we ye santus ye wol sor bo, ‘Ho towe tapeli Samol la yami Deus hagelgel.’” |
23286 | MAT 4:8 | Iwe ngo Moniyan we sa hasidah Jesus wol sew tayit le ye tagiyet sala kkewar ngali pangal meka faluyel faileng le mo lepal mala momayel. |
23288 | MAT 4:10 | Iwe Jesus sa sor bo, “Chuy mo igla ho, Satan! Babior we ye santus ye sor bo, ‘Deus chog mele habe hasrowu ngo ha tagul ngali, ngo tor semal mo solbos!’” |
23289 | MAT 4:11 | Iwe ngo Moniyan we sa chutang Jesus ngo angelus resa budoh resa tipingi Jesus. |
23290 | MAT 4:12 | Yodwe Jesus yela rongrong bo resa yetolong Johannes lal kalbus, ngo ye sa loh wol Galilee. |
23293 | MAT 4:15 | “Mekla faluyel Zebulun mo mekla faluyel Naphtali, woal yalap we ye loh leted, rel Jordan rela sere, Galilee, faluyer Gentiles! |
23295 | MAT 4:17 | Ila yodla ye chap yael Jesus foloy le ye sor bo, “Ha tagul tang molfidmi bo mala Lamliyel Laeng ila sa harep!” |
23296 | MAT 4:18 | Yodwe Jesus ye dedarloh woal ngachel Laom we Galilee ngo sala wiri rumal bisbis le chol fita, Simon (we rema ffesangu bo Pedrus) mo Andrew we bisil le re fefita irel wug we yar. |
23297 | MAT 4:19 | Iwe Jesus sa kangalur bo, “Ha dabeyey, bo ibe haskuna ngalugmi fitel yarmat.” |
23299 | MAT 4:21 | Ye loh sala wol wiri rumal bisbis, James mo John le lol Zebedee. Re mel irel Zebedee we temer yuchul boat la war le re fofaor fadaley wug kowe yar. Jesus sa ffesangur, |
23301 | MAT 4:23 | Jesus ye balsagililoh pangal Galilee, le ye fofoloy lal imwel ttey kowe, le kofal Hapatpat Momay we kofal mala Lamliyel Laeng, ngo ye hachuya metmetal tomay mo uwol yarmat. |
23302 | MAT 4:24 | Yesa pallengloh molwe kaptal wol pangal mokwe faluyel Syria, iwe yarmat resa hasirdoh irel, panger rechokla re tomay le ikla resa hafohoy irel semat mo samat tomay, mo rechoka yor moniyan uwor, mo rechokla rema piyom, mo rechoka resa mehatugut, ngo panger ngo Jesus ye hachuya yar tomay. |
23303 | MAT 4:25 | Feraketaw yarmat le re dabey le re budoh mo woal Galilee mo woal haplom we Decapolis, mo Jerusalem, mo Judea, mo fulu kala tot real mololul we Jordan rela sere. |
23304 | MAT 5:1 | Jesus yela wiri buwa we, iwe ngo sa bidah wol sew tayit sala marodiy mo iyang. Iwe ngo mokwe re dabeyal resa tteydoh irel, |
23338 | MAT 5:35 | hare ha teptap idel talop bo ila mala liliyel pechel, hare Jerusalem bo ila mala haplomol King la ye hartal tagiyet. |
23413 | MAT 7:28 | Yodwe yela mol yael Jesus sor meka, ngo buwa we ye luwdah irel wululul yal foloy. |
23414 | MAT 7:29 | Jesus ila yete hafedeg ngalir mokwe sensel Hatobtob we; bo iy ila ye foloy le yor kkelel mokwe ye kekapta. |
23415 | MAT 8:1 | Yodwe yela bidiy Jesus mo wol tayit we ngo ye feraketaw yarmat le resa dabey. |
23417 | MAT 8:3 | Jesus sa cchangloh sala yangsi mal we ngo sa kangalu bo, “Ye fel mo lal depey, bele chuy mesla mo uwom!” Irel yodwe chog ngo sa chuyloh mesel pekel we mo uwol mal we. |
23418 | MAT 8:4 | Iwe Jesus sa kangalu bo, “Talenga! Tor le hobe kangalu mele isa faor ngalug, ngo ligdi bo hobe loh irel temarong we bo ye bela kemahoh. Ngo hosa fang maligach we Moses ye sor, le ila mele bele mel le yam tugul ngalir pangal yarmat le sa chuy mesel pekel mo uwom.” |
23419 | MAT 8:5 | Yodwe Jesus yela hola doh Capernaum, ngo yesa budoh semal Tamol saldawel Roma irel, sa hafalpechey bo be tipingi: |
23421 | MAT 8:7 | Iwe Jesus sa sor bo, “Ibele loh ibela hachuya yal tomay.” |
23424 | MAT 8:10 | Ye lluwdah Jesus irel meka sa rongrong, ngo sa kangalur rechokwe re dedabey bo, “Ibe kangalugmi le ited wiri mwo semal mo wol Israel le, le iye lepal kkelel yal tugul. |
23425 | MAT 8:11 | Ibe hatugulu ngalugmi le ye cholop yarmat le rebe budoh mo rel laeng la meteral mo meldow le rebe maroro lengchel Abraham, mo Isaac, mo Jacob irel mala Lamliyel Laeng. |
23427 | MAT 8:13 | Iwe Jesus sa kangalu tamol saldaw we bo, “Tefal loh llubugtam, bo mekla hosa chepar iyang, ila bele yoh ngalug.” Irel yodwe chog ngo sa chuy yael boy we tomay. |
23428 | MAT 8:14 | Jesus ye loh irel molwe bugtal Pedrus ngo sala wiri sil molwe ril Pedrus le ye mel wol bet bo ye tomay le ye kkel bichikeral mala gil. |
23429 | MAT 8:15 | Jesus ye yangsi molwe paol ngo ye chuyloh molwe bichikeral, iwe sa chemdah chog sala kemahoy mele be hammal ngal Jesus. |
23430 | MAT 8:16 | Yela lefhafdoh ngo ye cholop rechokla yor moniyan uwor le yarmat re hasirdoh irel Jesus. Hal sepad chog hapatpat le Jesus ye sor, ngo ye chuyloh moniyan kowe mo uwor. Ngo ye hachuya yar tomay rechoka re tomay. |
23432 | MAT 8:18 | Jesus ye wiri buwa we yesa ttey ngali ngo sa kangalur mokwe re dabeyal bo rebe loh mo rel chaelwe sere. |
23433 | MAT 8:19 | Sala budoh semal mokwe sensel Hatobtob we ngo sa kangalu Jesus bo, “Sensey, isa fel le te tugul solbos le hobe loh iyang ngo ibe daboh.” |
23434 | MAT 8:20 | Jesus sa sor bo, “Fox mwo ngo yor ngeter, ngo mael yeyal ka ngo yor hafter, ngo mala Layur Retalop ila tor solbos le be yoldiy mo iyang bo yebe hasoso.” |
23435 | MAT 8:21 | Ye mel semal mokwe re dabeyal le ye kangalu Jesus bo, “Sensey, widyey ibe tefael loh ibela leba mala temay.” |
23436 | MAT 8:22 | Jesus sa sor bo, “Dabeyey, ligdir chomes rebe leba yar mes.” |
23437 | MAT 8:23 | Jesus mo mokwe re dabeyal re dage seyay boat. |
23438 | MAT 8:24 | Re tedaploh chog ngo sa kkel doh sew yaeng lal laom we, ngo sa mmel bele moos boat we. Irel yodle ngo Jesus ye masor. |
23440 | MAT 8:26 | Jesus sa sor bo, “Meda mele hasa rusmes iyang? Tehal sugfed yami tugul!” Iwe yesa sudah sa kangalu yaeng mo law bo rebe posoloh, iwe sala malululoh. |
23442 | MAT 8:28 | Ye budoh Jesus irel mokwe faluyel Gadara le ye mel rel chael we rewe sere, sala chungur rumal mal le re buyoy mo luwul tot peey. Rechoka ila yor moniyan uwor ngo ye kkel yar melad. Ila fal le tayor le yema mechal bo yebe dabedoh yalap le. |