23215 | MAT 1:2 | Ye chap mo irel Abraham sa budoh irel King David, le iye mele babioror daokala: Abraham ila temal Isaac, ngo Isaac ila temal Jacob, ngo Jacob ila temal Judah mo mekla wol bisil; iwe ngo Judah ila temal Perez mo Zerah (ngo seler ila Tamar), Perez ila temal Hezron ngo Hezron ila temal Ram, ngo Ram ila temal Amminadab, ngo Amminadab ila temal Nahshon, ngo Nahshon ila temal Salmon, ngo Salmon ila temal Boaz (ngo sil ila Rahab), ngo Boaz ila temal Obed (ngo Ruth mele sil), ngo Obed ila temal Jesse, ngo Jesse ila temal King David. |
23220 | MAT 1:7 | Ye chap irel molwe wol mol David yee, la hola yodwe re hachuyar yarmetal Israel mo wol Babylon. Iwe ngo David ila temal Solomon (mala sil ila molwe ril Uriah), Solomon ila temal Rehoboam, ngo Rehoboam ila tamal Abijah; ngo Abijah ila tamal Asa; ngo Asa ila temal Jehoshaphat, ngo Jehoshaphat ila temal Jehoram, ngo Jehoram ila temal Uzziah, ngo Uzziah ila temal Jotham, ngo Jotham ila temal Ahaz, ngo Ahaz ila temal Hezekiah, ngo Hezekiah ila temal Manasseh, ngo Manasseh ila temal Amon, ngo Amon ila temal Josiah mo Jehoiachin mo mekla wol bisil. |
23233 | MAT 1:20 | Yodwe chil luluwaley fedaley kofal molwe ngo semal angelusel Samol sa llah ngali luwul yal ddal sa kangalu bo “Joseph, le chol daowe yael David, ho towe motog le hobe hasi Maria bo yam habulupoy. Bo mala kkamelal Espritu Santus mele sa siyal Maria iyang. |
23234 | MAT 1:21 | Ye bele dimolowagili semal yalwich tarmal ngo hosa hadeda bo Jesus, bo fal mala be hadorar yarmat mo irel mekla molfidir.” |
23237 | MAT 1:24 | Yela mmat Joseph ngo ye sala foru mokwe angelusel Samol ye kangalu, yesa loh ye sala paoy ngal Maria. |
23239 | MAT 2:1 | Jesus ye sub mo Bethlehem wol Judea, irel yodla ngo Yerodes mele king. Te ssulay mo wol miril yal subdoh yalwich we ngo tot mal le re gola kofal fis resa bidiy mo meteral rebe loh Jerusalem. |
23241 | MAT 2:3 | Yodwe King Yerodes yela rongrong molwe ngo tayfel loh lal depal, ngo wol ila sengal yarmat wol pangaloh Jerusalem. |
23242 | MAT 2:4 | Yesa hateyli fengalir panger tamol temarong mo sensel Hatobtob we yesa kasiyar le ye sor bo, “Iya lobosle Kristus be subdoh mo iyang?” |
23245 | MAT 2:7 | Iwe ngo Yerodes sa ffesangur rechokwe re bidiy mo meteral bo rebe ttey le tor le be gola. Yerodes sala gola mo irer yodle ye llah fis we iyang. |
23247 | MAT 2:9 | Yodwe resa chuy le resa loloh ngo resa wol wiri fis we resa moal wiri mo meteral. Yodwe rela wiri ngo resa rraey ngo ye cchehas lal deper! Yesa hamo fis we mo imor yee, la ppoloh mo wol lobos we ye mel yalwich we iyang. |
23250 | MAT 2:12 | Iwe resa tefael ngal bugter le resa dabey sera yalap bo Deus sa hagolal ngalir luwul yar ddal le re towol tefael loh irel Yerodes. |
23251 | MAT 2:13 | Wol miril molwe resa loh ngo semal angelusel Samol sa llah ngal Joseph luwul yal ddal le ye kangalu bo, “Yerodes ila sa memeri fedaley yalwich la bo yebe limeseloh. Ila chemdah hobe hasi yalwich la mo mala sil hasa kewag loh woal Egypt ha sala paoy iyang. Ibe yigil sor bo habe tefael ngo hasa moch tefael.” |
23253 | MAT 2:15 | ila lobosle rela mel iyang yee, la yigil mes Yerodes. Re foru mele bo bela llahloh le katos mokwe yalol Samol le profeta we ye sor bo, “Isa ffesanguwey mala layi mo woal Egypt.” |
23254 | MAT 2:16 | Yodwe Yerodes yela gola le rechokwe re bidiy mo meteral resa hachepra ngo sa kkel yal song. Yesa fang yalol bo rebe limeserloh panger yalwich tarmal mo woal Bethlehem mo loboka ye harpa Bethlehem, le yalwich mal ka moch ruwow lepal ragir sa bidiy wototol — le sala chichiy ngal yodwe rechokwe re bidiy mo meteral re kangalu irel kofal fis we ye llahdoh. |
23257 | MAT 2:19 | Wol miril yal mes Yerodes ngo semal angelusel Samol sa llah ngal Joseph luwul yal ddal mo woal Egypt ngo sa kangalu bo, |
23260 | MAT 2:22 | Iwe ngo yodwe Joseph yela rongrong le Archelaus sa liwli Yerodes we temal, le sa mel bo tamol woal Judea ngo sa motog le be loh loboswe. Sa cholop mekla resa kangalu mo irel yal dal le be foru. Iwe sa loh irel mokwe faluyel Galilee. |
23261 | MAT 2:23 | Ye sala hasu imwla imwal woal sew haplom le rema sor bo Nazareth. Iwe mokwe profeta kowe re sor irel kofal yalwich we ila sala llah le katos: “Re bele ffesangu ngali le iy semal re Nazareth.” |
23263 | MAT 3:2 | Ye sor bo, “Ha tagul tang molfidmi, bo mala Lamliyel Laeng ila sa harep!” |
23264 | MAT 3:3 | Johannes molwe profeta Isaiah ye kekapta kofal irel yodwe ye sor bo, “Ye tetawul semal mo lobosla ye tolmay loh le ye sor bo, ‘Ha hafle sew yalap bo yalepal Samol; ha hawwele mala yalepal!’” |
23266 | MAT 3:5 | Yarmat resa budoh irel, le re budoh mo Jerusalem mo mekla faluyel Judea mo pangal fulu kala ye harpa mololul we Jordan. |
23268 | MAT 3:7 | Yodwe Johannes yela wiri we sa cholop Pharisees mo Sadducees le resa budoh irel bo rebe baptismus ngo sa kangalur bo, “Hami parchoyoh kala, itey le ye kangalugmi le be yoh le habe kewag tang hagerger la Deus be fang? |
23273 | MAT 3:12 | Yesa fel lital yengang kala yal le yema hayagi uwal milay la yal iyang. Yesa hasi ikla ye moway sa yetolong yilim, ngo ye hasi ikla tayikof sa fisgi wol yaef la tema gul.” |
23277 | MAT 3:16 | Yodwe chog Jesus ye baptismus, ngo yesa bidah mo lal mololul we. Iwe ngo laeng sa sugeg ngali, ngo sala wiri Espritu Santus we yael Deus le sa bidiy le ye wochog semal dove. |
23282 | MAT 4:4 | Iwe ngo Jesus sa sor bo, “Babior we ye santus ye sor, ‘Yarmat ila te flowa chog mele rebe molow iyang, bo mekla yalol Deus mele rebe molow iyang.’” |
23290 | MAT 4:12 | Yodwe Jesus yela rongrong bo resa yetolong Johannes lal kalbus, ngo ye sa loh wol Galilee. |
23291 | MAT 4:13 | Yete mel woal Nazareth bo ye loh sala mel mo wol Capernaum, sew haplom lengchel Laom we Galilee. |
23296 | MAT 4:18 | Yodwe Jesus ye dedarloh woal ngachel Laom we Galilee ngo sala wiri rumal bisbis le chol fita, Simon (we rema ffesangu bo Pedrus) mo Andrew we bisil le re fefita irel wug we yar. |
23298 | MAT 4:20 | Yodwe chog ngo resa tahcheloh wug kowe yar resa dabey. |
23299 | MAT 4:21 | Ye loh sala wol wiri rumal bisbis, James mo John le lol Zebedee. Re mel irel Zebedee we temer yuchul boat la war le re fofaor fadaley wug kowe yar. Jesus sa ffesangur, |
23302 | MAT 4:24 | Yesa pallengloh molwe kaptal wol pangal mokwe faluyel Syria, iwe yarmat resa hasirdoh irel, panger rechokla re tomay le ikla resa hafohoy irel semat mo samat tomay, mo rechoka yor moniyan uwor, mo rechokla rema piyom, mo rechoka resa mehatugut, ngo panger ngo Jesus ye hachuya yar tomay. |
23319 | MAT 5:16 | Be wol ila sengal teram la yami. Ye tugul le be wol werloh imor panger yarmat bo rebe wiri mekla ye momay le ha foforu, ngo re bele hapingpinga mala Tammi le ye mel woal laeng. |
23333 | MAT 5:30 | Hare sere mala poam mele sa hasngalug molfid, ngo hosa supiy hobe ppedalo. Ye momay tot le be torloh sere poam mo imol mala rebe ppedug long lal Infiyerno. |
23340 | MAT 5:37 | Mala chog habe sor ila, ‘Ngo’ hare ‘Yeb’ — te tugul mele ha bela moch kapta mo wol miril ngo ye budoh mo irel Moniyan. |
23348 | MAT 5:45 | bo habe mel bo lol mala Tammi wol laeng. Ye foru yaal bo be werdiy uwor rechoka re tayikof mo rechoka re momay, ye fang yud ngalir rechoka rema foru meka ye momay mo ika rema foru meka ye tayikof. |
23356 | MAT 6:5 | “Yodla habe mepel ngo ha towe wochog rechokla rema forgirloh. Rema dipli bo rebe su ngo resa mepel lal imwel mepel ka, iwe mo tabtabol yalap ka bo pangal yarmat ngo rebe wirir. Ibe hatugulu ngalugmi le rechoka ila sa moll paliyer. |
23357 | MAT 6:6 | Yodla habe mepel ngo hasa loh lal senggil kala yami hasa pilta hatam, ngo hasa mepel ngal mala Tammi le site ma wiri. Ngo mala Tammi ye wiri molwe hasa foru le hami loh chog ila yebe holbuwahmi. |
23358 | MAT 6:7 | “Yodla habe mepel ngo ha towe hacholpa hapatpat kala tor pelal bo hade wochog Gentiles kowe re luluwaley le Deus be rongrong yalor bo ye lellay mepel kala yar. |
23367 | MAT 6:16 | “Yodla ha bela supiy halmi ngo ha towe ma hafohoyuloh wol metami bo hade la wochog rechokwe rema forgirloh fael metal yarmat. Ir ila re tay ma hallimdir bo yarmat rebe gola le resa supiy haler. Ibe hatugulu ngalugmi le rechokla ila sa faesul moll paliyer. |
23368 | MAT 6:17 | Yodla hobe supiy halam gel semal ngo hobe ma yurmat ngo ho taldi chomom, |
23375 | MAT 6:24 | “Ye towe fel le be semal boy ngo rumal yal masta; bo ila ngo yebe hachangi semal ngo ye hafobidiri ila semal; hare yebe momay wegdegel ngal semal ngo ye tolpagililoh ila semal. Towe yoh le hobe mel bo boyel Deus ngo ho wol mel bo boyel salpiy. |
23407 | MAT 7:22 | Yodla bela budoh Rael Tatelal Hapatpat ngo ye cholop le re bele kangaluyey bo, ‘Samol, Samol! Fael mala idem mele ha kapta mala yalol Deus ngalir yarmat iyang, ngo fael mala idem mele sa cholop moniyan le hasa hachuyar mo uwor yarmat. Iwe ngo ye wol cholop kkemal kala hasa foru irel mala idem.’ |
23410 | MAT 7:25 | Yela kkel yal ppotog sala ssogdah mololul ngo ye burloh wol fuluy ngo ye mmordoh yang. Ngo tor mele imw we ye foru bo mil mala ye hassu wol hohyal. |
23412 | MAT 7:27 | Yela kkel yal ppotog sala ssogdah mololul ngo ye burloh wol fuluy, ngo ye mmordoh yang, sa ppungdiy imw we sala medardarloh.” |
23413 | MAT 7:28 | Yodwe yela mol yael Jesus sor meka, ngo buwa we ye luwdah irel wululul yal foloy. |
23415 | MAT 8:1 | Yodwe yela bidiy Jesus mo wol tayit we ngo ye feraketaw yarmat le resa dabey. |
23417 | MAT 8:3 | Jesus sa cchangloh sala yangsi mal we ngo sa kangalu bo, “Ye fel mo lal depey, bele chuy mesla mo uwom!” Irel yodwe chog ngo sa chuyloh mesel pekel we mo uwol mal we. |
23419 | MAT 8:5 | Yodwe Jesus yela hola doh Capernaum, ngo yesa budoh semal Tamol saldawel Roma irel, sa hafalpechey bo be tipingi: |
23424 | MAT 8:10 | Ye lluwdah Jesus irel meka sa rongrong, ngo sa kangalur rechokwe re dedabey bo, “Ibe kangalugmi le ited wiri mwo semal mo wol Israel le, le iye lepal kkelel yal tugul. |
23430 | MAT 8:16 | Yela lefhafdoh ngo ye cholop rechokla yor moniyan uwor le yarmat re hasirdoh irel Jesus. Hal sepad chog hapatpat le Jesus ye sor, ngo ye chuyloh moniyan kowe mo uwor. Ngo ye hachuya yar tomay rechoka re tomay. |
23431 | MAT 8:17 | Ye foru mele bo fal mala bela llahloh le ye katos mokwe profeta Isaiah ye sor irel bo, “Ye hachuya yach tomay ngo wol hachuya maes mo uwoch.” |
23435 | MAT 8:21 | Ye mel semal mokwe re dabeyal le ye kangalu Jesus bo, “Sensey, widyey ibe tefael loh ibela leba mala temay.” |
23441 | MAT 8:27 | Pangerloh ngo re lluwdah. Iwe resa sor bo, “Yarmat meda mele? Yaeng mo law mwo ngo rema talenga yalol!” |
23442 | MAT 8:28 | Ye budoh Jesus irel mokwe faluyel Gadara le ye mel rel chael we rewe sere, sala chungur rumal mal le re buyoy mo luwul tot peey. Rechoka ila yor moniyan uwor ngo ye kkel yar melad. Ila fal le tayor le yema mechal bo yebe dabedoh yalap le. |
23444 | MAT 8:30 | Ye mel sew pulgul pabiy le re momongoy le re te ddawloh. |
23450 | MAT 9:2 | Iwe ngo tot yarmat resa hasidoh semal mal irel le ye mahatugut le ye yol wol sew bet. Yodwe Jesus ye wiri lepal kelel tugul we yar, ngo sa kangalu mal we ye pachngali meswe bo, “Layi, hakkela lal depom! Sa chuy fael yam molfid.” |
23456 | MAT 9:8 | Yodwe yarmat re wiri molwe ngo resa motog, ngo resa hapingpinga Deus bo fael yal fang kkelel yarmat. |
23458 | MAT 9:10 | Yodwe ye momongoy Jesus irel imw we imwel Matthew, ngo ye cholop chol hateyel paliyel raeg mo chotayikof kowe le resa budoh irel Jesus mo mokwe re dabeyal irel tis we re mel iyang. |
23463 | MAT 9:15 | Jesus sa sor bo, “Ha luluwaley ngo be yoh le yebe tayikof deper chol gubulul sew habulupoy la hare be chil mel mal we yal habulupoy we irer? Ye tugul le towe ila sengal! Ngo ye mel yodla bela hola ngo re bele hastangir mal we, iwe ngo re bele moch supiy haler. |
23466 | MAT 9:18 | Yodwe Jesus ye sor molwe ngo semal tamol kowe yar Jews sa budoh irel, sa hasubgudiy mo imol ngo sa kangalu bo, “Ye moch mesloh chog semal lefechig layi, dabeyey ho bela yetedah pom uwol bo yebe molow.” |
23468 | MAT 9:20 | Ye sala budoh semal fefel mo lutugrul Jesus sa yangsi ngachel molwe mengagol. Fefel le ila ye tomay le sa seg mo ruwow raeg yal machpol. |
23470 | MAT 9:22 | Jesus ye tagul sala wiri fefel we ngo sa kangalu bo, “Layi, hakkela lal depom! Tugul la yam mele sa hachuya yam tomay.” Yodwe chog ngo ye chuyloh tomay we yael fefel we. |
23471 | MAT 9:23 | Iwe Jesus sa bulong lal imw we imwel tamol we. Yodwe yela wiri rechokwe rema mosik wol maes mo yarmat le resa rol nnganga fengal, |
23473 | MAT 9:25 | Yodwe chog sa buyoy pangal yarmat ligtam, ngo Jesus sa bulong lal senngil we sa holudah molwe paol lefechig we ngo sa chemdah. |
23475 | MAT 9:27 | Jesus sa chuy mo loboswe sa dedarloh ngo rumal mal le re metafis resa dabey. Resa tetawulagili le re sor bo, “Yebe ffaho depom ngalugmem, ho mala Lol David!” |
23476 | MAT 9:28 | Yodwe Jesus ye bulong yilim ngo metafis kowe rumal resa budoh irel ngo Jesus sa kasiyar bo, “Ha chepar le be yoh le ibe hachuya yami metafis?” Iwe ngo ir resa sor bo, “Ngo, ha chepar!” |
23480 | MAT 9:32 | Yodwe ye loh mal we rumal, ngo tot yarmat resa hasidoh semal mal irel Jesus. Mal le ila tema mmal bo be hapatpat bo yor moniyan uwol. |
23481 | MAT 9:33 | Yodwe chog ye chuy moniyan we, ngo mal we sa chap yal hapatpat ngo pangal yarmat ngo resa lluwdah. Iwe resa sor bo, “Tedyor mwo mo fael sew le si wiri tappel mele mo wol Israel!” |
23483 | MAT 9:35 | Jesus sa loh wol pangal loh fuluy mo haplom. Ye fofoloy fedal lal imwel ttey kowe, le ye fofoloyu Hapatpat Momay we kofal mala Lamliyel Laeng, ngo ye hachuya pangal metmetal maes mo tomay mo uwor yarmat. |
23484 | MAT 9:36 | Yodwe yela wiri buwa kowe iwe leper, ngo sa kkel yal fahor bo resa merahrah ngo tor re tipingiyer, le resa wochog saaf kowe tor re matmeter. |
23494 | MAT 10:8 | Ha hachuya yar yarmat tomay, ngo hasa hamolowa tefaelir chomes, ha hachuya metmetal meskala ye mel uwol yarmat, ngo ha hachuchuy moniyan. Yor mele yesa yoh ngalugmi le tor paliyal, ila habe fang le towe yor palimi. |
23505 | MAT 10:19 | Yodla rebe hasugmiloh irel tatelal hapatpat, ngo ha towe merhagili mele habe sor mo wululul yami be sor; bela hola yodla ngo Espritu Santus la yael mala Tammi ye bele kangalugmi mele habe sor. |
23507 | MAT 10:21 | “Yarmat re bele fangloh mekla spegil bisir bo rebe llimeserloh, ngo temer yalwich, ila bele wol ila sengal mala rebe faor ngal layur. Yalwich ila re bele tagul ngal mokwe wulutugur resa fangloh ir bo rebe llimeserloh. |
23509 | MAT 10:23 | Yodla re bela hafohoyugmi mo irel sew haplom, ngo hasa ddar habe loh irel haplom la sew. Ibe hatugulu ngalugmi le towe pagel moll yengang kala yami mo wol pangal haplomol Israel ngo sa budoh mala Layur Retalop. |
23520 | MAT 10:34 | “Ha towe luluwaley le isa budoh bo iy be hasidoh hopos lal faileng le. Yeb, ite budoh bo ibe hasidoh hopos bo seyay sayden mele ihasidoh. |
23529 | MAT 11:1 | Yodwe Jesus ye moll yal kangalur chowe seg mo rumal meka rebe foru ngo yesa chuy mo loboswe sa loh bela haskun ngo ye foloy fedal irel haplom kowe ye harpa loboswe. |
23530 | MAT 11:2 | Yodwe ye mel Johannes Baptista lal kalbus, ngo sa rongrong kofal mokwe Kristus ye foforu, ngo sa hagloyurloh tot mokwe re dabeyal irel. |
23535 | MAT 11:7 | Yodwe resa loh mokwe re dabeyel Johannes, ngo Jesus yesa kapta kofal Johannes ngalir buwa we iwe leper: “Yodwe ha loh irel Johannes loboswe ye tolmay loh, ngo meda mele ha luluwaley le ha bela wiri? Seyal fadil le yaeng ye fifildi fedaley? |
23540 | MAT 11:12 | Yodwe Johannes ye fofoloyu molwe yalol Deus yee, la holadoh igla ngo mala Lamliyel Laeng, ila sa kkel yal hafohoy irel yar rechoka fedeg ngali, ngo rechoka re fedeg ngali, ila resa luluwaley le rebe hasi bo rebe lamliloh. |
23546 | MAT 11:18 | Yodwe yela budoh Johannes ngo yete ma yul wine, ngo yema supiy hal bo yal maligach, ngo pangal yarmat ngo resa sor bo, ‘Ye mel semal moniyan uwol!’ |
23547 | MAT 11:19 | Yodwe yela budoh molwe Layur Retalop, ngo ye ma mongoy ngo yema yul le ye hafedeg ngalir chog pangal yarmat, iwe ngo resa sor bo, ‘Ha kemahoy mal le! Ye toa hamongolap ngo ye toa yul wine. Ye hamareyar ngalir chol hateyel paliyel raeg mo cho tayikof!’ Mala repiyel Deus ila sa llah le ye katos mo irel mekla resa wiri le ye budoh mo iyang.” |
23548 | MAT 11:20 | Yarmetal haplom kala Jesus ye foru dolpal kkemal kala yal mo iyang, ila re temechal bo rebe tagul tang molfidir, iwe sa kkaftoroy ngalir chol haplom kowe. |
23560 | MAT 12:2 | Yodwe Pharisees kowe re wiri molwe re foforu ngo resa kangalu Jesus bo, “Kemahoy, ye tafel ngal Hatobtob we yach le meka re dabeyem rebe foru tappel mala resa foru rall Sabbath!” |
23568 | MAT 12:10 | le ye mel semal mal iyang le ye mes sere mala paol. Ye mel tot yarmat lobowe le re luluwaley bo rebe ffaeg derel Jesus. Iwe resa kasiya bo, “Ifa sengal ye tayikof ngal Hatobtob le yach le sibe hachuchuy tomay mo uwor yarmat rall Sabbath?” |
23570 | MAT 12:12 | Ye palleng pelal semal yarmat mo imol semal saaf! Ila Hatobtob we yach ye teladgich le sibe tipingi semal wol Sabbath.” |
23573 | MAT 12:15 | Yodwe Jesus yela rongrong kofal molwe resa luluwaley rebe faor ngali, ngo sa chuy mo loboswe yesa loh. Ye cholop yarmat le resa dabey. Ye hachuya yar tomay panger rechoka re tomay, |
23575 | MAT 12:17 | Ye faor mele bo yebe llahloh le ye katos mokwe yalol Deus we profeta Isaiah ye sor bo: |
23577 | MAT 12:19 | Ye towe hapaliyel hare ye ttawul ngalir yarmat, hare ye foloy fedal lal yalap le be palleng yalol. |
23578 | MAT 12:20 | Ngo ye towe hopiyloh seyal fadil le sa bbordiy, hare ye gululoh bbulul sew habul le ye yaliyel mala bulal. Yebe tabochog yal yengang yee, la hola yodla pangal formel ngo sa fel. |
23582 | MAT 12:24 | Yodwe Pharisees kowe re la rongrong molwe ngo resa sor bo, “Yema hachuchuy moniyan, bo Beelzebul le yar tamol mele ye fang kkelal bo be foru.” |